What Fruit and Veg Can Dogs Eat? Dog Food Guide (2022)

What Fruit and Veg Can Dogs Eat Dog Food Guide

Do you want to treat your four-legged friend with a small treat? You may find yourself googling: what fruit and veg can dogs eat? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

The world of what you can and cannot feed your dog is incredibly vast. There is so much out there that looks like it would be perfectly fine but could be very toxic for them.

It is always wise to research anything out of the ordinary when it comes to dog food. This dog food guide will go through a handful of fruit and veg options that are safe and not so safe for your dog.


Can dogs eat bananas? It’s usually the first thing you consider when considering what fruits are safe for dogs. Bananas contain various nutrients like potassium, magnesium, fibre, and vitamins, making them a great treat for humans and dogs.

Although, it is worth noting that bananas are full of natural sugars, so always make sure to feed in moderation and never in excessive amounts.

Like most fruits, bananas can be mixed in with other foods to add a bit of diversity to a meal. The magnesium in bananas is great for muscle growth and is important for cellular energy. It helps your dog stay relaxed and plays an important role in heart function. Potassium regulates blood pressure and balances out calcium to ensure healthy bone growth. A large number of E vitamins are great for brain function too!

All in all, bananas are a fantastic addition to any dog diet, so definitely try incorporating them in moderation. Mash it up, cut it up, or dehydrate the banana; the choice is yours.


This may not surprise many long-time dog owners, but you would be shocked to hear how many people still aren’t aware that grapes are not safe for dogs. Dogs should never consume grapes (raisins, too), as they have proven very toxic to dogs, regardless of breed, sex, or age.

Grapes are so toxic that they can lead to health implications like kidney failure. Always be mindful when leaving grapes around the house, and always secure them in a safe location out of reach.


Yes, apples are good for dogs and are a fantastic source of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, antioxidants and fibre. Another brilliant resource for a healthy dog diet.

They are a low-calorie treat that’s perfect for any dog needing to lose weight or looking to maintain its weight. However, like bananas, apples have a high number of natural sugars, so you should always try limiting the amount you give your dog. Everything is best in moderation!

Apples are a great way to satisfy your dog’s sweet tooth without using something like chocolate (which is very harmful to dogs).

The apple seeds, however, contain a tiny amount of cyanide which is toxic to dogs. So, remove the core and seeds to avoid any unnecessary problems, which also helps prevent choking hazards.

What Fruit and Veg Can Dogs Eat Dog Food Guide sprouts

Brussel Sprouts

Christmas is coming in fast, and many people will ask if Brussels sprouts are safe, seeing that so many get wasted every year. Sprouts are loaded with nutrients, like vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants, that are good for humans and canines alike.

Although it might sound like sunshine and rainbows, too many sprouts can lead to an upset stomach and even diarrhoea. Sprouts contain a high amount of a substance called isothiocyanate that, to put it simply, forces things to leave your pet’s body. Even small amounts can cause flatulence.

The nutritious veg contains no toxins or poisons, so there is no immediate harm to be caused; however, if your dog has an upset stomach, you know why. As always, if it persists, then you should contact your vet.


Yes, broccoli is safe in small quantities and great to serve as the occasional treat. It’s high in fibre and vitamin C and contains low amounts of fat, making it the perfect veggie to incorporate into your dog’s raw or cooked diet.

The broccoli florets contain isothiocyanates, which can cause mild gastric irritation in some dogs, but this is rare. If you think of feeding your dog raw broccoli, you may want to cut it up. Broccoli stalks have been known to obstruct the oesophagus.

Feed in small amounts at a time, and broccoli is the perfect treat!


Dogs digest food differently than humans, and eating the wrong food can be fatal. It is always wise to do your research and if you decide to go ahead with anything, always start in small increments.

This short guide only showcases a select few fruits and veggies, so if there is anything else you are unsure about, you should perform your own research or consult your local veterinarian.


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