Why Does Yorkshire Have So Much Toxic Waste?
West Yorkshire is named as one of the worst counties for toxic landfill sites in the country.
According to studies on hazardous waste disposal sites, West Yorkshire is one of the worst counties in the United Kingdom for toxic landfill sites. Enviro Skip Hire has dug into the data and found that these conclusions are supported by a review of Environmental Agency figures, which shows that about half of West Yorkshire’s disposal sites now store waste that, over time, becomes hazardous. This is primarily waste accumulated from commercial and industrial activities.
According to the data provided by the Environmental Agency, toxic landfill sites are scattered all over England and Wales. Greater Manchester is the county with the most toxic landfill sites in the UK, with a staggering total of 94. West Yorkshire has a total of 38 across the county – Kirklees, Leeds, and Calderdale are home to eleven toxic landfill sites each, with Wakefield being home to four. Hence, this is a problem that needs to be addressed head-on. Remarkably, North Yorkshire is one of the counties with the least toxic landfill sites.
Landfill Issues
The average landfill site may be detrimental to the environment if not properly maintained or abandoned. Unlike contemporary landfills, older landfills, typically abandoned, are not lined to prevent the escape of toxic chemicals released during waste decomposition before deposition.
There are about 1,282 former landfill sites in West Yorkshire alone, with Calderdale having the highest – that is equivalent to approximately 5 per 10,000 people across West Yorkshire and 13 per 10,000 people in Calderdale, which is way more than the national average of 3 per 10, 000 people.
Hazardous Endangerment
The majority of hazardous wastes are combustible, reactive, or corrosive. These hazardous sites not only contribute to pollution but also endanger the health and environment of nearby residents. Hazardous substances employed in producing some of the waste break down and interact chemically at the landfill site, resulting in toxins, leachate, and greenhouse gasses.
Due to the high concentration of poisons and wastes, abandoned dump sites constitute the biggest environmental hazard. People, local animals, and plants will all be severely impacted by erosion, suffering from cancer and other illnesses to increased mortality and decreased fertility.
The majority of toxic landfill sites are either abandoned or neglected. Thus, it is up to local authorities to find them and conduct a cleanup initiative. The government must also join by expressing its support and offering financial assistance. The county’s toxic waste sites may dramatically decrease with the proper plan and resolution.