How Smart Roller Blinds are the Newest way to Improve your Interior

How Smart Roller Blinds are the Newest way to Improve your Interior

Smart home is one of the most popular and upcoming trends of the last few years. More and more people are buying smart home products to make their daily routines easier. Smartblinds are a new way to upgrade your interior. But how do they work, and what are the possibilities? We explain it to you in this article.

What are smart roller blinds?

Smart roller blinds are roller blinds operated by a wireless motor which is installed in the tube of your roller blind. The motor is wireless, which means it runs on a chargeable battery. By normal use of the roller blind, you must charge the motor only once or twice a year.

The roller blind can be added to your smart home platform by scanning the QR-code which you can find at the end of your roller blind cord. Once you scanned the code, you can follow the steps on your smartphone. 

Operate your Smartblinds

Smart roller blinds can be operated in different ways. First, there will always be a manual pull cord which you can operate the roller blind with. Move the blind by pulling the cord once. To stop the blind, pull the cord of the roller blind again.

The second option to operate your blinds is by using your smartphone. Once added to your smartphone, you can operate your blinds by swiping them to the right hanging percentage. In your smart home app, you can also add your blinds into scenes and routines of your home. In this way, the blinds will move automatically, because they get triggered by a timer or happening. 

Does your smart home platform have a smart assistant like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant? If so, you can ask your smart assistant to move the blinds! Just give your smart home assistant a simple request like ‘’Hey Google, open all my roller blinds on the first floor!’’. In a few seconds, all your roller blinds will be opened.

Operate your blinds from everywhere!

Smartblinds can be operated from all over the world. So even if you are on a holiday, your house is still moving. Possible intruders or thieves see your blinds moving every day, which makes them think someone is in the house. This way, burglars will stay away from your house. Smartblinds also make your house a lot safer!

Are you convinced by all the smart benefits that Smartblinds offer? Then take a look at the blinds that are offered by Smartblinds. There are many different colors and fabrics available. Surely one of the options suits your interior very well!


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