Tips To Creating A Movement Marketing Blueprint

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It is the dream of every marketer to make a brand part of people’s life. So they must direct their efforts towards initiating a good brand marketing movement. To do this, they must develop a movement marketing blueprint that works for their product. The idea is to give a swirl of excitement to the brand’s followers and lure more people to follow the cause.

A movement marketing blueprint is thus a step-by-step procedure and techniques that a marketer can use to change people’s perception of a brand to make them want to associate with it.

Notice that a brand is actualised in how the world perceives a company. It is the impression that marketers create about a company. They must always create a branding campaign that resonates well with the people. Here are tips to help you create a movement marketing blueprint.

1. Have a Purpose

The reason why a brand exists is important in creating a marketing movement. So a marketing blueprint must outline the reason for a brand’s existence. Typically, movements are tied to community beliefs or a social cause. They must directly contribute something to society. Therefore, a marketing movement must be seen to contribute something to a greater purpose of the community or society.

There should be some emotional attachment to the product or service. Questions like what sets you apart from the rest and what drives you in connection to the community or society could help define your purpose.

2. Positioning

Positioning is critical when creating a movement marketing blueprint. The public should know the brand for a good cause. For instance, if you choose to be known for innovative things, you must always innovate. Similarly, if your brand is known for building beautiful or imaginative things, your product must always meet the expectations of its followers.

Tips To Creating A Movement Marketing Blueprint

3. Deliver on its Promises

In your marketing blueprint, you must be prepared to deliver on all the promises you make. So you must talk to investors, employees and customers before crafting the brand’s promise statement. For instance, Coca-Cola promises to quench thirst. It always delivers on that.

Therefore, your brand should promise and solve a problem that consumers face.

4. Drive Behavioural or Cultural Change

Shifts in social and cultural values provide a good opportunity to craft a good movement marketing blueprint. If a brand can place itself at the center of behavioral or cultural change, it will likely attract followers. A product that becomes part of the social fabric will enjoy more support from society.

5. Consistency

Your brand’s look, feel, and the way it sounds should be the same throughout its branding journey. It eliminates confusion and watering down of the achievements made. It helps to create familiarity and makes it easier for the audience to recognise it.

Of course, you will need to do plenty of other things to create a working movement marketing blueprint. But having a purpose and positioning the brand should be at the top of the list. Also, ensure that you only give promises you can deliver on.


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