Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008) – Film Review

madagascar escape 2 africa film review

Director: Eric Darnell
Voice Cast: Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett-Smith
Certificate: U

by Matt Callard

The unfathomable rules of animation state that with each sequel there shall be fewer laughs, less fun and a flagrant re-hashing of the best moments from the ($533m grossing!) original.

Madagascar 2 deviates not an inch from the formula, paying scant heed towards our genuine desire for a decent family film this festive season and lazily ripping off The Lion King in the process.

There’s a never-ending supply of voice talent at hand – Sacha Baron Cohen teases out a few corner smiles with his autocratic lemur – but little in the way of character development from the original movie and all the new animals are half-drawn excuses for yet more famous voiceovers.

madagascar 2 film review lions

“Pointless endeavour”

Sure, it’s bright and detailed and not without moments of levity but, my, this churning out, this inevitability, this predictability. The movie is a pointless endeavour – except as a money-making machine hiding behind a smiling kiddie facade.

Now, who’s gonna stand for such lurid cynicism as this in these cash-careful times? Here’s the Christmas turkey then.

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa is now streaming

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