How To Pick a Water Supplier For Your Business

As a business owner, you may be able to choose and switch your water supplier. However, businesses, especially small ones, put off switching companies because they don’t know enough about doing so, or they think it’s too complicated.
There are numerous benefits to switching to a better water supplier and as a business, you could have the power to switch and potentially save money on your water bills. So, if you’ve been thinking of switching your provider but just don’t know how to go about it, make sure you read this useful guide.
In it, we’ll outline just a few of the benefits of switching and you’ll see how easy and uncomplicated it is, from deciding what your business needs are to getting a suitable quote.
Make Sure Your Business is Eligible
Before you do anything, it’s important to make sure that your business is eligible to switch. Qualifying customers are ‘non-household’ properties who pay business rates. Although the water provider is responsible for checking your eligibility, there are guides and useful information that you can read up on.
If your property is used purely for business and your current water provider is based in England or Scotland, it’s highly likely you’ll be able to switch. Under the current rules, non-business households are not allowed to switch their water provider.
Consider Your Business Needs
Decide what’s most important to you and for your business and make a list. Write down what services you’re looking for in your new water supplier. Is good customer service important to you? Easy to contact?
Whatever you need from your provider, write it down and then search for water suppliers that meet all of your wants and needs. As a business, you have the luxury of being able to shop around for your new provider.
Obtain a Quote
Once you’ve found a provider that you think is suitable, make sure the price is right for you too. This is a good way of finding out if it’s easy to get a quote from them. As a company owner you’ll be extremely busy and being able to obtain a quote almost instantly is essential.
If a company takes too long to give you a quote it’s not a good sign and it’s probably better to go elsewhere. If you’re looking for a provider that’s easily contactable, I found excellent providers that make it super easy to switch your business water provider, and give you a quote instantly to save time.
Sign Up With Your New Provider
Once you’ve found a water supplier who you think is suitable for you, sign an agreement with them. Usually, they’ll get in contact with the supplier you’re using at the moment to tell them that you’re switching.
When you switch, there are some essential pieces of information you should have with you such as your company name, the address, and your current water consumption levels per year. You’ll also need to give a contact name and number at the business address.
Enjoy All Of The Benefits
There are so many benefits to switching to a new water supplier, it’s a case of you can’t afford not to! Every business is different and most water providers offer tailored packages to suit you and your business needs.
A good water supplier is there to offer you advice about how to lower your water usage and in turn, save you money on your bills. Switching can also give you more accurate metre readings, to ensure that you’re not overpaying.
Know When Your Contract Ends
Make sure you know when your contract with your new supplier will end. At the end of the contract, you’ll be able to renew it or renegotiate with your current provider, choose a new tailored package for your ever changing business needs, or even switch to a new company.
If you don’t do anything at the end of your contract, you’ll be given what’s called a rollover contract. This could result in you paying much higher prices completely unnecessarily. Knowing the date of which your current contract ends will prevent you from getting any nasty surprises in the form of a massive water bill!
If a water provider goes out of business, there are measures in place to prevent small businesses from receiving unfair treatment. Contracts that roll over automatically have been banned in the open water industry in England, and small businesses are given a 1 week cooling off period in case they want to cancel a brand new contract.
Hopefully now the process of switching has been de-mystified. Now that you are ready to start shopping around for the best quote you’ll be saving money in no time.