The Original GreenPan Cookware – Review

By Alex Crabtree, February 2024
If you’re anything like me, when you’re in the kitchen you have your favourite pots, pans and processes to get everything cooked and completed at the same time.
When it’s your turn to make the Sunday lunch, it’s quite satisfying to be able to serve up a nice meal for the family, and see everyone enjoy your efforts. My hubby feels the same way when he cooks.
But when you’re using new kitchenware for the first time, that nagging feeling that it could turn into a disaster doesn’t escape the mind. Nonetheless, I was going to give a couple of brand-new items from The Original GreenPan their first go, and I hoped they weren’t going to let me down.
“Feel the quality”
The first new bit of kit I decided to use was the GreenPan Bistro Muffin Pan. However, not for muffins! As controversial as it apparently is to have Yorkshire Puddings on your Sunday dinner (not for me – they enhance it!), making a dud Yorkshire is a no-no in our house. So, using this new tin was a nervy moment. Being a cast iron piece, it was a departure from my usual baking routine but there was something about the feel of it that made me think it’d all be ok.
The Original GreenPan tins are sturdy, and you can feel the quality of them from the second you hold them. Is it true that the better the equipment, the better the bake? A bad workman shouldn’t blame his tools and all that…
Well, what a delightful result! As the batter went into the tin, into the oven, and back out again twenty minutes later, the tin revealed its magic. Those Yorkshire Puddings hadn’t just risen; they ascended to monumental proportions! In our home, the motto is ‘the bigger, the better,’ and this pan delivered.
Not only did they rise splendidly, but they also popped out of the tin easily. A testament to its remarkable non-stick properties.
“Generous dimensions”
That beef roast was a winner. And we were ready to finish off with a lovely dessert.
For our afters, I’d opted to make a classic rhubarb crumble and entrusted the task to The Original GreenPan Cake Pan. With its generous dimensions, I knew we were in for some hearty portions for our small family.
Again, a cast-iron tin which feels like it should be in kitchens of old, it’s a fine piece of bakeware. And I was sure it was going to give me a dessert to be proud of.
Once again, the GreenPan bakeware didn’t disappoint. I don’t know if it was because of how it conducts heat, but the crumble top emerged with a perfect, even, golden glow right across it. It looked the business with no burned bits, and I was ultra happy at the bake. One of those “I don’t want to cut into it” moments.
And the filling? Well, cooked to perfection, bringing out extra smiles from the family. Those worries about new kitchenware? Well…not with The Original GreenPan kit. If anything, I got better results and I’ll be looking at what else from their range I can get my hands on.
Hubby volunteered to do the washing up, and both non-stick tins were a breeze to clean. A quick rinse with soapy water, and we were done, with no elaborate clean-up rituals required. Rest of Sunday on the sofa, recovering from our delicious meal.
The verdict
All in all, The Original GreenPan baking range has really impressed me with its exceptional quality, non-stick performance, and effortless clean-up. I felt there was a difference in the resulting food that I made, and I think their collection is a kitchen essential that delivers on its promises. I think every avid chef or cook needs to consider adding some of their products to their kitchen.
The only downside is I’m getting all the praise, and the family want me to do the dinner every Sunday. Do I let on it was helped by my tools? Or do I take all the praise…?
The Original GreenPan Muffin Tin (£30.00) and the Cake Tin (£26.00) are available from, John Lewis and Lakeland.