Chlorella Bread – Recipe

Chlorella Bread recipe

Lockdown was a taxing time. But one of the positives that has come out of it is the increase in home baking, with many of us dusting off our aprons and heading back into the kitchen.

Bread making is booming in popularity, and it’s not just white and multi grain loaves coming out of ovens. If you’ve already added pesto, carrots and curry powder to your dough and are wondering ‘what’s next?’, then you might be intrigued by an ingredient called chlorella…

For those not in the know, chlorella is a type of green algae, which can be harvested and turned into a powder. It has become renowned for having a host of health benefits, with studies showing it could help with everything from boosting energy levels to keeping wrinkles at bay.

Whilst adding algae to your food might sound a little odd, it’s a popular ingredient in Japan, where it’s used in a host of dishes. One of the easiest things to use it in is bread, where it adds a splash of colour and extra nutrition.


  • 400g Bread Flour
  • 4g Sun Chlorella Powder
  • 20g Sugar
  • 8g Dry Yeast
  • 200ml Water
  • 80ml Milk
  • 10g Salt
  • 20g Unsalted Butter


Warm water and milk to 40c.
Mix half the bread flour in a bowl with salt. In a separate bowl, mix together the Sun Chlorella Powder, sugar, dry yeast, water, milk and the other half of the bread flower for about 3 minutes.
Gently add the bread flour and salt mix to the chlorella powder mix and then knead on a board with the butter for approximately 10 minutes.
Once kneaded, put the dough mixture back in the bowl and cover with clingfilm for 35 minutes (or until it has swollen until twice the original size.
Once risen split in to 3 separate balls adding each ball to a separate mould, cover each in cling film for approximately 20 minutes.
Remove the cling film and bake for approximately 25 minutes at 220 degrees centigrade.
Once baked allow to cool for serving.


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