Butchers (2020) – Film Review

Director: Adrian Langley
Cast: Julie Mainville, Simon Phillips, Michael Swatton
Certificate: 18
By Roger Crow
After their car breaks down, four youths are stranded in the middle of nowhere. Little do they know they are being watched. They soon fall captive to a family of sadistic butchers who keep their ‘fresh meat’ tied up in a wooden outhouse.
Any comparison with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is understandable.
This Canadian horror doesn’t have an original bone in its cinematic body. It hates the audience with a passion; the villains are depressing, one-note rednecks, and every bone-splintering ‘shock’ is yawnsome in the extreme.
On the plus side the cinematography is pretty good and the cast are committed, while half the characters should be.
Tobe Hooper crafted a far better and more memorable shocker almost 50 years ago, and while many film-makers have been riffing on the original Texas Chainsaw since, Butchers is a sweaty mess.
If it has anything going for it, aside from some good production values, it’s the fact it’s a mere 92 minutes, which is still 90 minutes too long.
Do yourself a favour and just look at your local butcher’s shop window for a while. It’ll be more entertaining than this ‘offal’ mess. And that dire pun is better than any of the dialogue in this depressing effort.
Though it’s pretty stomach-churning, if you want a better hardcore horror, Hellraiser: Judgment is far more on the money. And at least it’s more original.
But that’s another review for another time.