The Fearway (2023) – Film Review

Director: Robert Gajic
Cast: Shannon Dalonzo, Justin Gordon, Simon Phillips
Certificate: 15
By Roger Crow
A young couple embark on what should be a fun romantic road trip. However, their plans are soon derailed when a mysterious being follows them, abuses and harasses them.
As the situation worsens, they desperately seek help from anyone they can.
Though the key influences on director Robert Gajic’s thriller are obviously Duel and Jeepers Creepers, there may be other key inspirations, including a David Niven classic and one of The Eagles’ best songs. A case of welcome to the Motel California, yes, Motel.
For much of the first act it’s a case of so far, so familiar. The movie looks terrific, the cast are likeable enough, and though the two leads feel the urge to repeat one another’s names with annoying regularity, it’s worth glossing over such repetition.
“Premise is intriguing”
So while it’s a relief that this isn’t just another stalk and slash thriller on an impressive desert highway, the twist, when it comes, is straight out of The Twilight Zone. Which is no bad thing.
If you recall Michael Bay’s remake of The Hitcher, which, like most of his productions, feature supermodels in peril, then there’s a similar feel to this movie.
Brit Simon Phillips, who featured in a number of films you may never heard of, is a likeable mystery Motel manager whose over polite tone sets alarm bells ringing. Shannon Dalonzo is an attractive heroine who acquits herself well, and the premise is intriguing enough to keep you watching.
The 80-minute run time is perfect for the material, and though the first act could have done with tightening up and a character’s plot development is signposted for all to see, the finale is well done. Cinematography is terrific and the score isn’t bad.
Yes, it’s a good old fashioned B-movie which could have done with more mystery in the snarling antagonist department, but less dialogue, more action and this could have been something really special.