Using Paving Stones in Your Garden
As you prepare your landscape for spring, something you might want to consider is incorporating paving stones throughout your garden.
Paving stones are considered a structural element of your garden — this means they remain in your garden all year long and you shape natural garden elements around them.
If done correctly, paving stones can add a “wow!” factor to your garden. Paving stones come in a variety of colours, textures, sizes, and materials.
Spring is often a great time to incorporate structural elements into your garden because the weather is mild and because you haven’t had significant plant growth. If you’re considering incorporating paving stones, here are some tips to get you started.
Creating a garden patio
One way to incorporate paving stones is to create a patio. A patio is any sort of paved outdoor area that is ground level. Most people put them directly adjacent to their house, but it is also possible to place them anywhere in your yard, as long as the ground is level.
Paving stones are a good alternative to other patio materials, such as cement or bricks, because they add a decorative touch to a patio space. They are extremely durable, which means that they’re not likely to get damaged by everyday use.
Creating gorgeous pathways
Another way to incorporate paving stones throughout your garden is to create pathways around your yard. Pathways around your garden prevent flowers and other plants from being stepped on. They also can be used to create interesting focal points by adding texture and colour.
Cement and gravel are popular choices for pathways, but natural stone can be used to make more of a statement and can add interesting visual aesthetics to your yard. If you use natural stone, make sure that stones are level with the ground so that they don’t become tripping hazards.
Materials for paving stones
When it comes to materials for paving stones, you’re going to come across a few different choices. Companies such as Westminster Stone will offer a wide range of choices, such as flagstone, limestone, slate, granite, porcelain, terracotta.
Most traditional paving stones are durable and meant to withstand years of use, but different types of stones have different textures. To get an idea of what type of stone you want, look online or visit your local garden stone. This will give you an idea of the wide variety of textures and patterns that are available.
Finding the right colour
Once you have decided on a material, you’ll want to start looking at various colours. The colour of your paving stones could impact the overall appearance of your yard. Most paving stones either come in a white or light grey, a red or brown, or a darker grey or black. The colour you choose depends on your personal preference.
Lighter colours can help make your yard seem larger and more open. Reds and browns can help make your yard seem warm and inviting. And darker colours create bold focal points throughout your yard.
Choosing the correct size
Just like how paving stones come in different textures, patterns, and colours, they also come in different sizes. To determine what size you need, think about what type of look you’re hoping to create in your garden.
For example, if you’re going for a rustic look, you might want to use shattered pieces of a paving stone such as slate. If you’re going for something sleek, you should consider choosing paving slabs that are the same size. And if you’re going for a visually interesting pattern, you can use combine paving slabs of various sizes.
Maintaining your paving stones
Paving stones require some basic maintenance. You’re going to want to make sure that weeds and plants aren’t growing up around your stones. This can cause stones to become loose. Loose stones will need additional filler sand placed around them.
Over time, paving stones will also become dirty and grimy. Get in the habit of sweeping them regularly. Most of the time, regular sweeping is enough to remove dirt. If sweeping isn’t helping or your paving stones are stained, you can also clean them using a pressure washer. Follow the instructions on the pressure washer.
In summary
Patios and pathways are one way to incorporate paving stones throughout your garden. When it comes to choosing a stone, look online or visit a garden stone to choose a stone that meets your colour, texture, and sizing preference. Once you have installed paving stones, they can easily be maintained with regular sweeping and pressure washing.