5 Responsibilities to Remember When Getting Your Affairs in Order

To put it simply, getting your affairs in order means preparing important documents before you die. By doing this, you’ll make the money and legal side of your passing as easy as possible on your loved ones. While no one wants to think about this, it’s crucial to do so for the benefit of all. By having everything in order, you give your loved ones the chance to grieve without added stress. Here are five responsibilities to remember when getting your affairs in order.
1. A Trip to the Doctor
Knowing your health is an important step, so if you feel it’s time to put your affairs in order, you should visit the doctor. They’ll advise health-wise, and you can also look into getting a hold of your medical records.
2. Write a Will
Writing a will is an essential step, as not doing so could leave your possessions and estate in the hands of the law, so look into a will writing service. You must also decide on who you want to be the executor/s.
You might know exactly what you want to put in your will, or you might need a little help deciding what is fair. Consider your will carefully, as it is a huge part of the mark you leave with your loved ones. Remember, not everything needs to go to a person; if you wish, you could decide to donate some of your savings to a charity.
3. Organise Legal Documents
By getting all your paperwork together, you make it much easier on your loved ones and executor. You should also tell a trusted person where they are, so when you pass, people don’t have to rummage around drawers looking for them.
It’s a good idea to get a folder and place all the documents together. This should include:
• Birth certificate
• Marriage certificate
• National insurance
• Bank statements
• Deeds
• Everything on paper that is important should be organised into one folder.
4. Paying Off Debts
Make matters easier for your loved ones and executor by paying off as much debt as possible. If you have savings, then it’s a good idea to use that to pay off any outstanding money you owe. This could include student loans, debts, and credit card loans. By doing this, you ensure that there are fewer complications for your loved ones when receiving the money and personal items left by you.
5. Funeral Plans
Thinking about your funeral is not easy, but your family will appreciate your input. You don’t have to decide on every detail – some simple direction like music and attire will really help your family when planning the funeral.
If there are some people you wish to speak for you, then let them know. You should also specify anyone you want to come and if there’s someone you’d prefer not to attend.
Putting your affairs in order is never easy, especially if you’re tired and unwell. By doing it, though, you lift a huge weight off your loved ones, allowing them to grieve without the stress of legal matters.