Denamarin: The Dog Approved Liver Supporter

Denamarin The Dog Approved Liver Supporter main

by Hermes Maldonado

Having pups reassures the incomprehensible love we can have over animals. Sharing our common spaces, taking our time to raise them and worrying about their health are things we simply do without even noticing. Dogs become part of our lives as much as we become part of theirs – or that’s how we hope it is. But when we are talking about health, it becomes pretty real.

Maybe it’s the worrying-factor or that thought of not being able to tell what is happening to them. Even if we think we have it all figured out, we are unfortunately not gifted to communicate with them. For this reason, many pet parents are aware of supplements that can boost their pet’s health and reduce possible symptoms. Ailments come in different ways, some are unexpected while others are predictable. If your pup’s health starts looking ugly it’s time to take action. This is why prevention is the first step in caring for our fur-babies!

Liver Disease in Dogs

Liver diseases among pups are common, but some come dressed in dangerous attires. Livers are highly important organs in since they take an important role by helping blood clots and digestion. It also helps by getting rid of toxins! For this reason, it is important to keep livers happy. Luckily, when things go wrong down in the liver it can often be treated and managed.

It’s not easy to determine liver symptoms, so here we present some common indications associated with liver diseases in dogs are:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Wobbly walking
  • An excessive need to pee
  • Disorientation
  • Yellowish tongues, eyes, or gums (jaundice)
  • Hints of weakness
  • Bloody pee and poop
  • Seizures
  • Build up liquid in the belly (Ascites)

When a livers’ function declines, terrible things happen. Toxins start going into the bloodstream and important nutrients aren’t adequately processed. Liver cells can start dying, and by this point, they are replaced by thick scar tissues. This process is called cirrhosis and unfortunately, it has no cure which would be the last irreversible stage. Liver diseases that are not treated quickly, can lead to acute brain damage.

Denamarin The Dog Approved Liver Supporter cute

What is Denamarin?

Denamarin is a liver booster that serves as a nutritional supplement. It contains an antioxidant called Silybin which is responsible for increasing liver glutathione levels in pets. It also claims to have SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine), a bioactive form of methionine, which is an important amino acid present in foods, it is highly concentrated in sunflowers seeds and meat.

There are varied versions of Denamarin supplement targeted for small, medium and large dogs. So how exactly does it exactly work, and what is Silybin?

Silybin is known to have exceptional biological outcomes. It is used to treat different liver problems, especially on chronic liver diseases like cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. It helps because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic properties.

On another note, SAMe is a supplement commonly used in animal medicine. It contains sulfur and methyl groups, the reason why it takes part in multiple important chemical reactions in the body. In the body, it is necessary to have the methylation reactions to form adequate levels of brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Overall, SAMe is an exceptional helper to synthesize neurotransmitters related to catecholamines. On its own, SAMe is frequently used to treat inflammation due to arthritis and cognitive disorders, but its most common use is to treat liver and musculoskeletal disorders.

Think of Denamarin as an added supplement to boost your pet’s liver health. It is not a substitute for other regulated medications like Ursodiol. Ursodiol removes toxic bile acids, dissolves bladder stones and can cirrhosis (hard scarred tissue) and hepatitis.

Denamarin is claimed to be an over the counter supplement for some, yet other dog parents allege it can only be obtained through a vet’s subscription. It might be easy to find and to administer. This doesn’t mean it should be given to your pup without consulting a vet. Any sort of supplement or medicine should always be overlooked by a vet before consumption.

As a matter of fact, some regulations should be followed:

  • Pets that aren’t suffering from liver diseases shouldn’t take Denamarin
  • Pups under 6 weeks of age shouldn’t take this supplement
  • The dosage will depend on the weight of the dog
  • For assured freshness store in a cool, dry place

Denamarin The Dog Approved Liver Supporter main splash

Side effects of Denamarin

Although there are minimal side effects when using Denamarin it is always recommended to keep an eye out for possible symptoms developed after your pup’s dose. These are some common symptoms that have been developed:

Gastrointestinal Problems
There have been studies that have shown that primates have developed gastrointestinal tightness, resulting in upset stomachs. When it comes to dogs, there have been no reported side effects.

Itching and Headache
Tests run on primates have shown developments of itching and headaches on the subjects that were being treated for liver diseases. It is hard to study headaches in dogs and no visible itching was detected.

Drug Interactions
No known drug interactions have been detected when taking Denamarin or other medications (oral or injected).

Side effects of SAMe aren’t common at all, and restricted to moderate gastrointestinal sensitivity and nausea, according to the VCA Animal Hospitals website. It is not recommended for excitable dogs since it might heighten moods.

Denamarin? Yes or No?

Denamarin is a supplement that encourages liver health and prevents worsening or complications for those pups that are already suffering from any liver ailments. Remember that the sooner one takes action the chances of having a longer, healthier life will increase. The best part is there are no known side effects that might directly affect your pup. Just like any other medicine or supplement is always important to consult your vet before giving it to your fur-baby. Not all dogs react equally to products. Even after it is approved by your vet all pet parent should keep an eye out and study the behaviour of your dog.


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