3 Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained At Home

3 Ways to keep the kids entertained at home main

How many times a day do your children tell you they’re bored? If the answer is ‘too many to count’, you’re in the right place. We’ve put together a list of fun, family-friendly activities that your kids can enjoy at home.

As the weather gets colder, we’re all looking for ways to pass the time indoors. Whether your kids are the adventurous type who can’t sit still or prefer to find quiet ways to keep themselves busy, you’re sure to find something for them on this list.

1. Learn A Musical Instrument

According to the insurance provider Aviva, the number one regret for people in the UK is not learning how to play a musical instrument when they were young. If you think your child would enjoy making music, investing in their chosen instrument can be an excellent way to encourage them to learn new skills – and save them from regrets later on in life.

Whether you find inspiration at the Drumcenter of Portsmouth website, dig out your old portable keyboard, or buy your child a recorder, there’s a huge range of instruments to choose from. Studies even suggest that playing music boosts brainpower! This makes it a great pastime for kids of any age.

2. Grow Your Own Seedlings

From beansprouts to sunflowers, your kids can learn to grow all kinds of seedlings at home. The best part is you don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to get started – just your choice of seeds, some empty toilet rolls, and damp kitchen paper.

The first method is to place your damp kitchen paper into a shallow tray, such as an old takeaway container, and sprinkle your seeds on top. Cover the tray with cling film and get ready to watch your seedlings grow.

3 Ways to keep the kids entertained at home main children

The second method is to create little pots out of your toilet rolls. Make a series of cuts around 1 inch in length around the bottom of your roll and fold them inwards. This will create the bottom of your ‘pot’. Then, you can either fill the roll with soil or simply use damp kitchen paper again. Then, add your seeds and wait for them to sprout!

Although you may need to re-pot your plants once they have grown, these methods are an easy way to start growing seedlings indoors.

3. Make Candles Out Of Crayons

If your kids love colouring in, you’re probably no stranger to craft boxes full of broken crayons. These crayons may be too small to use, but that doesn’t mean you should just throw them into the bin. Why not use them to make colourful homemade candles instead?

Making candles is a fun and simple way to use up old crayons, keep your kids entertained and create homemade gifts. Just follow the steps below:

1. Peel the wrappers off your crayons, cut them into small pieces, and place each colour in a different microwavable bowl.
2. Add a spoonful of grated candle wax to each bowl.
3. Place each bowl in the microwave on a medium heat, until all of the wax is melted.
4. Clean a glass jam jar and place a wick in the centre.
5. Pour your coloured wax into the jar, alternating colours to create a stripy layered effect.
6. Leave your candle in a cool, dry place where the wax will solidify.

If you’re looking for activities to keep your kids entertained, we hope this post has given you some inspiration. Whatever the weather, these three tips will help your children gain new skills and have fun at home.


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