Summer Marketing: Tourists Are All You Need

Summer is a fickle thing in Yorkshire. While inland areas like Doncaster, Bradford, and Sheffield may well be basking in 20C-plus temperatures, seaside areas can usually expect to be a few degrees cooler. Of course, the number of different air masses at work on the British Isles means that it can be any temperature, anywhere, almost regardless of the season.
Still, as long as summer is here, there’s always hope for sunshine.
Creative Marketing
For businesses, summer generally requires a change in tact – unless, of course – they operate entirely online. A year-round approach to marketing is visible on the Betfair website at, where free spins offers (etc.) are immune to the seasonal shifts often found in tourist hubs such as York. Casinos and other entertainment companies can sometimes eschew physical products altogether.
Compare this to a place like The Shambles in York, which can be empty on winter mornings, as visitors flee the Yorkshire cold. Unfortunately, this can mean that local businesses are left without much to do until Christmastime, before the long wait until summer begins once again. This is where a bit of creative marketing comes in.
As far as advertising goes, summer is a little easier on the brain. A recommended strategy for Yorkshire businesses is to market to tourists directly.
Due to the increasing cost of just about everything, an article at claims that 73% of British adults are “more likely” to opt for a holiday at home – ‘a staycation’ – rather than risk their finances on a trip abroad.
This is an obvious boon for Yorkshire companies, who could see a significant rise in footfall around coastal, historic, or otherwise popular places.
How do you get them engaged in your product? Any kind of advertising at arrival spots (train and bus stations, visitor centres, etc.) can at least make sure that tourists know your company exists. Leaflets, posters, or in-person greeters can all make a difference.
Having said that, partnerships are arguably the best way to get your messaging across to visitors. A minibus company working with a travel agency is an obvious example but a huge number of product niches have relevance to holidaying in the UK, including clothing, equipment for dogs, walks and tours, sunscreen, and so forth. Travel partners are in huge demand at sports clubs too, as a press release at demonstrates.
If all that is out of the question, don’t fret. With the use of infographics and similar content, a company can associate their name with whatever they want.
Infographics don’t need to have relevance to any particular brand. Their value is in engaging an audience in a place where they can be marketed to, such as on a social media page or website.
So, there’s no reason why your vegan snack company can’t give advice about Yorkshire walks, or why your hotel can’t delve into Game of Thrones.
In summer, tourists are a huge audience with money to spend. Don’t let them get away without at least hearing your business’s name.