Kills on Wheels (2016) – Film Review

Director: Argyris Papadimitropoulous
Cast: Szabolcs Thuróczy, Zoltán Fenyvesi, Ádám Fekete
Certificate: 15
by Sarah Morgan
When I was asked if I wanted to review a film about wheelchair-bound assassins, I must admit I didn’t immediately jump at the chance. Then when I was told it had the appalling title of Kills on Wheels, it seemed an even less appealing idea.
What made me decide to go against my instinct and say “yes” I’ll never know, but I’m glad I did.
Kills on Wheels hails from Hungary, and initially I imagined it was going to be some kind of spoof played entirely for laughs. Then, when it began, it started to look more like Lars Von Trier’s The Idiots. However, after a few minutes, it became clear that neither of my guesses were going to turn out to be true – although there are laughs, they’re not forced. Instead, they come naturally as part of a genuinely compelling story.
“Compelling performances”
Zoltán Fenyvesi and Ádám Fekete play young men dealing with the same issues as other young men of their age – namely a desire to go out partying and find a girlfriend – while struggling with serious mobility issues.
Both actors – who were non-professionals before the production began – suffer the same health issues as their characters, and deliver compelling performances. Fenyvesi is particularly impressive as Zoli, whose single mother bears the brunt of his frustrations, and whose absent father remains a mystery.
Into Zoli and his friend Barba’s lives comes the brutal former firefighter Rupaszov (veteran thespian Szabolcs Thuróczy), whose spine was irreparably damaged during a call-out.
Rupaszov still has feelings for his former girlfriend, who has found another man, and earns a living as an unlikely hit-man for a local drug dealer. However, his latest mission involves killing his boss’s foremost enemies, and he needs back-up – which is where Zoli and Barba come in.
“Originality and a twist”
The impressionable duo find that their illegal activities are not only lucrative, they offer them great source material for the comic-book they are attempting to write. But will they even finish it? Their employer isn’t thrilled about their involvement, and when the final hit goes pear-shaped, it seems the boys may have bitten off more than they can chew.
The final scenes are a little bit of a damp squib following what can only be described as a great set-up, but that shouldn’t put off any potential viewers too much.
If you enjoy tales with originality and a twist, then Kills on Wheels is for you. Just don’t let that title put you off.
- Stunning 1080p presentation (on the Blu-ray) with a progressive encode on the DVD
- Optional English subtitles
- 5.1 and Stereo soundtrack options
- Trailer
Kills on Wheels is released on Dual Format by Eureka