Keeping Your Motorcycle Safe With A GPS Tracker

One of the most common questions that new motorbike owners face is the question of how to keep their new vehicle safe and protected from thieves – they’re obviously easier to steal as they’re smaller and can be wheeled away if they aren’t locked up properly, so knowing how to look after your bike when you’re not on it is a huge must. The best way to look after your motorcycle after securing bike insurance is to combine the various safety features that are available for a full protective setup; we’ve listed a few of our top motorcycle security features below!
Wheel Locks
Disc locks might be a bit unceremonious and simplistic, but there’s no arguing with the fact that they’re one of the most effective ones to keep your motorbike as secure as possible. Nowadays, many of these locks have a more sophisticated design with integrated alarms and sensors making it a bigger task for thieves to bypass them. For new bikers, a lock that includes a brightly coloured reminder cable is a great feature – they’ll help you to remember that your lock is still attached so you can avoid those embarrassing parking lot drops that not only look stupid, but also do some serious damage to your bike!
GPS Tracker
This one is a precaution to have in place to help you quickly and easily locate your motorcycle if it is ever successfully stolen, which means the bike isn’t gone forever and it’s easier to pinpoint where the thief got to, perhaps being able to catch him with this information too! With cutting edge modern designs, motorcycle trackers are easy to fit – just two wires to connect to the battery – and are difficult for criminals to spot as they’re designed to look exactly like an engine component! The GPS trackers at Back2You can either be used with subscription plans, which offer you a month for free and then unlimited tracking after that for a monthly fee, or on Pay-As-You-Go plans, which give you tracking only when you need it, perhaps saving you money if you aren’t planning on using the location tracking service that often. The monthly subscription plans also allow you to check out your recent routes and driving activity, so you can also start to plan more efficient routes for your trips to work or the shops and monitor your driving behaviour to see where you can improve.
The last trick that you can try for keeping your motorcycle safe is to park your bike in the safest place possible – ideally, you’ll be able to park in a locked and alarmed garage or secure car park, but as this isn’t always an option at home, so try out some of the following tips if you can!
• Park on your driveway and have the front of the bike facing your house, so moving the motorcycle is a little more difficult than if it’s facing the right way.
• Make sure your parking spot is well lit and easy to see – thieves don’t want to get caught and if they’re seen being suspicious around a well-lit motorbike there’s more chance of them being seen.
• If you have to park on the street, parking in an area where there’s lots of pedestrian activity lowers the chance of your bike being tampered with or stolen due to the increased risk of being caught!
Keeping your motorcycle safe and protected isn’t always an exact science and there are lots of different things that can impact how safe your bike is – by locking, securing, and lighting up your bike, you’ve done the best you can to deter thieves, but that isn’t always going to stop them. A GPS tracker helps to cut out the devastating loss of a vehicle due to theft, so think smart and take a precautionary step by installing a GPS tracker to your vehicles.