3 Online Safety Tips While Working From Home

Since early 2020, we’ve grown comfortable with the new work-from-home arrangements. But so too, it seems, have online scammers and internet phishers. In fact, the occurrence of cyberattacks has become so rampant that online phishing emails have increased by 600% since the pandemic began.
WFH doesn’t seem to be a passing craze, however, so companies will need to come up with better ways to protect their remote employees. In this article, we’ll explore some methods of staying safe online while working from home.
Ready? Let’s get into it.
Tip 1: Educate Yourself
One of the best ways to protect yourself online is by learning about the different cyber crimes you may encounter.
For example, did you know that cybercriminals often send fake emails that look like they’re from legitimate organizations, such as your bank or credit card company?
Specific attacks that you can fall victim to when working from home include:
● Phishing attacks: These are emails or websites that try to trick you into revealing your personal information, such as your passwords, bank account details, or credit card numbers.
● Malware: This is a type of software that’s designed to damage or disable computers and networks. It can be installed on your computer without your knowledge. (For example, when you click on a link in a phishing email).
● Ransomware: This is a type of malware that locks you out of your computer or even encrypts all your files until you pay a ransom.
Be aware of these attacks so that you can identify them and respond appropriately if the time comes.
Tip 2: Be Vigilant
When you’re working from home, vigilance means foreseeing that you may be targeted by hackers and taking steps to counter these risks. For example, this means:
● Using secure passwords for all of your devices and accounts (or maybe even getting a password manager).
● Not opening any suspicious emails (as these may be phishing attempts).
● Using multi-factor authentication (this will ensure that hackers cannot access your business accounts even if they crack your passwords).
● Keeping your antivirus protection up to date at all times and ensuring that your firewall is activated. (To keep unwanted traffic and software from entering your devices).
These steps will add a layer of protection against online scams and ensure that your work data stays protected while working.
Tip 3: Use a VPN
The last tip for today is to always use a VPN when working from home. A VPN, or virtual private network, is a service that creates a secure connection over the internet between your device and a VPN server.
This allows you to safely browse the internet and access sensitive data without worrying about someone spying on your traffic. It also means you can bypass geographic restrictions on websites and streaming services.
Final thoughts
With the above tips, you can stay safe while working from home. Don’t forget to be vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your data.
And remember: if you don’t recognize the sender, don’t open the link.