How To Offer Support When Someone Is Recovering From Surgery

Having any medical concern is difficult, but surgery can be doubly so because of its invasive nature. There is the planning, the procedure, and then the recovery to contend with. If you know someone who will be undergoing surgery soon, use these helpful tips to offer support so they can heal and recover successfully.
Attend medical appointments with them.
Undergoing any type of surgery, but especially one that will render them immobile for any duration, such as a hip replacement, requires extra planning. While this is a necessary procedure that will vastly improve their quality of life, the process can still feel daunting, even if it is a routine procedure, and especially if your loved one is elderly.
When you take the extra step to attend all medical appointments with the patient, you become their extra sets of ears and eyes. Before each appointment, discuss any questions they may have and write them down. Keep track of whether or not the questions have been asked and satisfactorily answered by the practitioner. Write down the answers instructions, including what time they need to be at the hospital and how to take pain medication, etc.
Offer your support.
Sometimes, patients become frustrated with the healing process. It is important to offer your kind and compassionate support in these times. Your loved one may become down and disappointed at having to lie still for much longer than they are used to due to the healing process involved.
There will be times when you need to be a friend who gives a big hug and other times when you need to walk the dog to give more time to heal. Have a conversation before the scheduled surgery to determine what they will need and when. Discuss simple tasks, such as bathing, preparing meals, transportation to and from appointments or activities, and anything else that will allow them to continue living their lives to the fullest until they are back on their feet. Whether it’s a hip replacement or, for example, a Dallas reverse shoulder replacement surgery, these conversations are crucial for ensuring smooth recovery.
Arrange their environment.
Before the day of the surgery, look at their living area. Are there rugs in place that should be either removed or better secured to the floor to prevent tripping? Will climbing the stairs to their bedroom be a roadblock to a good night’s sleep after surgery? Perhaps you can arrange a different sleeping area on the main floor until they have recovered. These are only a couple of points to consider, and there are many more to take into account to prepare their home to help with recovery.
Hire a carer.
If you do not have enough time or the ability to provide support and meet the needs of the patient, it is time to call the experts. Hiring a professional carer is sometimes the most suitable choice to ensure the best care possible.
Watch this short video to learn more about what a carer does and how they can help.
By helping someone who will be undergoing surgery before, during, and after the procedure, you are offering a sense of comfort while they are dealing with health concerns. Giving patients support throughout their recovery process is essential for a successful healing process so they can get back to living their best life.