Keeping Your Pet Safe This Summer

Keeping Your Pet Safe This Summer main

During summer, we experience lots of heat and have to be extra cautious when it comes to daily activities out in the sunshine. It’s just as important to care for our pets during the summer as it is to look after ourselves, as they rely on us to keep them safe and comfortable. Summer is such a fun time, especially when you have pets and can enjoy the great outdoors with them, but it’s essential to keep their safety at the front of your mind during the hotter months. In the same context, you should think about signing up for pet insurance to make sure you’re always prepared for any emergencies.

Keep Them Cool

If your pet loves to spend time outside basking in the sunshine, then it’s really important to have plenty of cooling goodies to keep them at a good temperature. With so many cooling products now available for pets, they can enjoy the sunshine whilst staying cool and refreshed. You can find a great selection of pet cooling supplies online at retailers like Petwell, with all kinds of great products for your pet to enjoy. From cooling mats to hydrating toys, there’s something to suit all pets.

Keeping Your Pet Safe This Summer shade

Provide Shade

For many people, having enough shade in the garden can be difficult as you can’t decide where the sun is going to sit throughout the day. What you can do, however, is add something to the garden to bring additional shade for your pet to relax in. By introducing a parasol to your garden, you can ensure that your pet has somewhere to retreat too when the sun gets a little too hot, as they need a space that they can enjoy and stay safe at the same time. Similarly, if you have small animals such as rabbits or hamsters that are going to be spending some time out in the garden, it’s important to position their hutch or run in the shade so that your pet doesn’t get too hot from constant sun exposure.

Avoid the Car

Whilst many people like to travel with their pets during the summer, it’s important to avoid having your pet in the car for long periods of time. One of the biggest issues during the summertime is people leaving their pets in a hot car with no windows open, which is extremely unsafe. Ensure you only have your pet in the car when needed and when they are there, ensure there is plenty of fresh air to keep them cool and comfortable.

Keeping Your Pet Safe This Summer dog

Keep Them Hydrated

Just like humans, our pets need to stay hydrated throughout the summer to stay safe and healthy. Make sure your pets have access to lots of water throughout the day and night, to ensure they don’t dehydrate. It’s really important to keep an eye on their water bowls and top them up at every opportunity, as not only will they be warm from general exercise but the sun and heat will really affect their hydration levels too.


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