Working From Home: How To Make The Most Out Of Your Break Times

If you work in a 9-5 office job and you are now working from home during lockdown, it can be tricky to try and stick to the work routine that you usually have. When you are not in the office it can be all too easy to just sit at your desk all day and forget to take regular breaks. Without colleagues or your boss nearby, many of us might just be tempted to work straight through the day without small breaks or without stopping for lunch. However, it can be better for both your physical and mental health if you do have regular breaks.
There are even many useful tips to stay healthy in the office that are transferable to the home, such as staying hydrated and doing plenty of exercise outside of work. Making the most out of break times when you are working from home can help reduce your stress levels and also improve your motivation and productivity. Here are just some ways that you can make the most out of your break times in the future:
● Take some time away from screens and devices
If you spend most of your work day on a computer, then you should use your break time to avoid all screens if it is possible to do so. While it can be tempting, this also means your smartphone too! It’s best to step away from your desk and all devices for a short break or your lunch break to help rest your eyes. Instead, you can spend the time getting a drink or something to eat before you head back to your work. There are many healthy office snacks that you can enjoy while working from home such as carrots and hummus, nuts and dried fruit, or homemade protein bars. While it’s not beneficial to snack a lot throughout the day, or snack on unhealthy junk food, healthy snacks can help keep you going throughout the day.
● Fit in some exercise when you can
If you have the time, you could also fit in some daily exercise in your work breaks too. Even if you have a short fifteen minutes to spare you can spend that time meditating, stretching, or going for a short walk. If you really want to fit in a good workout on your lunch, then you could even do short workout videos, yoga, or some strength training. However, if you don’t have time to exercise during your breaks, you could always stay active while you are working at your desk. If you are wanting to learn more about how to stay fit at your office desk, then you can do some desk exercises instead such as seated leg raises or swivel abs exercises. You can try out these small exercises to help keep you moving if you just can’t fit in a break for a while.
● Connect with your friends and family
Next, another great idea is to use the time to connect with a friend of a family member that you haven’t in a while. This could be playing with your children or chatting with your partner who lives in the same household as you. Or you could also contact those outside of your household via apps such as Whatsapp or Skype. There are many ways that tech can help you stay in touch with your family, especially elderly relatives, who are isolated during the current covid-19 pandemic. Even if your elderly relatives don’t know how to use mobiles or tablets, you can still use the old-fashioned landline to contact them. Socialising with others during your break time can be quite beneficial for your mood and mental health too.
● Spend some time outside
Lastly, because you are probably spending a lot of time indoors at your computer, you might want to make the most out of your breaks by going outside. Spend some time getting some natural light and some fresh air to help relax you and clear your head. You can even spend some time unwinding by reading a book in the garden if the weather is nice. Or you might want to stretch your legs a little and go for a short walk around the block. However you decide to spend your work breaks, spending some time outside can help you to forget about your work for a short while and help reduce your stress levels.