How to Relax After a Long Day at Work

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Struggling to switch off at the end of the working day? Feel like you’re constantly on the go and have no time for relaxing? It’s not surprising when many of us are consumed by family commitments, life admin and keeping on top of house chores as well as work pressures.

But, leaving little time for yourself can be detrimental to your health, both physically and mentally. Whether you work from home or face a long daily commute, it’s important to try and maintain some boundaries between work and home life to avoid burnout.

Here are some easy ways to help you adopt a more relaxed mindset after a long, hard day:

Do something you love

It might sound simple but getting creative with something you enjoy can help focus your mind on aspects other than work. You could try a new hobby such as drawing, painting, writing or sewing. Or how about unleashing your culinary skills and discovering new recipes for an exciting dinner alternative?

If these sound like too much effort, you could always read a good book or watch your favourite television series.

Enjoy some pampering

If you find getting to sleep a bit of a challenge, try relaxing in a warm bath before bed. Turn the lights low, listen to some soothing music and indulge in a soothing camomile tea at the same time for ultimate zen.

Sleep is vital for mental health and enables your body to function properly, so it’s important to make your sleep routine as relaxing as possible.

Try and avoid screen time after your bath as this could reawaken any mind chatter and lessen your chances of restful sleep.

How to Relax After a Long Day at Work

Get moving

Exercise is not only great for your wellbeing, it can also give your mind a focus, meaning you’re less likely to be thinking about work.

While it might sound counterintuitive to engage in exercise when you’re feeling exhausted, it can spark your energy, lift your mood and set you up for a great nights’ sleep.

Get outside

If you spend all day indoors sat at a desk, getting out in nature can work wonders for your energy levels. Now that spring has officially arrived, why not enjoy a walk in nature, a cycle by the canal or simply tend to your garden?

However you choose to relax and switch off from work, make sure it’s by doing an activity you love and something that can be easily made into a habit.


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