Music of the Spheres World Tour: Coldplay Appreciates Fans For Support Amidst Tour


The Music of the Spheres World Tour has been ongoing for months now, and even though Coldplay is currently on break while preparing to resume the tour by next year, they have left us amazing memories to spend the holidays with.

To acknowledge the relentless support “Coldplayers” have shown them amidst the tour, Coldplay took to their official Instagram page to share a heartfelt message with their 25+ million followers. The post which featured a picture of a handwritten note reads;

“Hello Everyone…

2023 has been a difficult one for so many people… there has been so much pain and suffering and loss… and yet against this backdrop, we have been so privileged to witness the very best that humans have to offer. To watch audiences, night after night, come together to sing, dance, smile and be happy is such an honour and a testament to our amazing fans. So, thank you for being the light in the darkness and for giving us hope that 2024 will bring more love, more peace and more music.

We send you all our love for a peaceful holiday and a Happy New Year.

W, C, G, J & P”

Such a lovely post there, innit? Probably one of the reasons why Coldplay is considered one of the greatest British bands to rock the earth.

The Music of the Spheres World Tour has done well for Coldplay Band. After touring more than 20 countries and gathering over 7 million people in different continents, the tour still has close to a year to end and Coldplayers are ready to enjoy every bit of it.

That being said, don’t forget that there are alternative marketplaces where you can easily get Coldplay tickets to be a part of the last lap of the Music of the Spheres World Tour.

Music of the Spheres World Tour

The Music of the Spheres World Tour will go down in history for so many things, but there are major activities that will make the tour unforgettable in the life of every fan who was present at the concerts, physically or online. This, most especially, is Coldplay’s amazing engagement with their fans.

Fans Engagement

Ever since the Music of the Spheres World Tour started back in 2022, Coldplay band has tried to carry every one of their fans along. This included creating certain activities that would keep the fans engaged in the concert ground during their performance, and when they are on break.

Coldplay made available kinetic floors in certain areas of the concert grounds so that whatever activity performed by their fans on such grounds would help to power the show. This act has proven effective since Coldplay has successfully reduced the CO2 impact of their show on the environment, thanks to their fans.

Additionally, electricity-generating bikes are also stationed on the concert grounds so that fans can actively engage themselves in charging the BMW i3 Li-ion batteries which are also used to power the shows.

All these activities give fans a sense of responsibility. Seeing how successful they have all been, creates an atmosphere for fans to always feel proud whenever Coldplay is celebrated for being the first band to organize one of the biggest tours in the world, yet minimizing the negative impact of that tour to less than 50%, speaking about CO2 emissions.

Extensively, Coldplay has also engaged their fans by giving them each a piece of Xylobands so that the show can be colorful and beautiful through the light that is centrally controlled by a software engineer, who syncs every performance Coldplay is putting on on-stage.

There have also been a lot of other activities that Coldplay’s Chris Martin always engages fans with whenever he comes on stage to perform. These include allowing the fans to choose a random song to be added to the setlist and also picking a lucky fan to climb on stage and sing alongside him.

Coldplayers have also been nothing but supportive since it is due to their relentless support that Coldplay has broken attendance records in numerous venues they once performed in with scanty audiences.

Some Fun Facts About Coldplay

Seeing that Coldplay has given us the best 2022 and 2023, we decided to share some fun facts about them with their hardcore fans who might be too busy to go looking for such facts about their favorite band.

Coldplay’s Initial Name

When Coldplay was formed by Chris Martin back in 1996, they were not known as Coldplay, instead, the band was known as “Pecktoralz,” and then “Starfish” before “Coldplay.” Here’s how it happened.

Back in 96 when Chris Martin met Jonny Buckland, the band’s lead guitarist, at the University of London, the two became a duo and picked “Pectoralz” as their act name. Eventually, they met Guy Berryman who then became the 3rd member of the group, causing them to pick a suitable name for 3 guys.

The 3 then settled on the name, “Starfish” and it became their stage name for some time until they met Will Champion who became the 4th member of the band. Chris explained that shortly after Will Champion joined the team, they changed their stage name to Coldplay, and this was in 1998.

The Event that Inspired “Yellow”

“Yellow” was released by Coldplay in 2000 through their debut album, “Parachutes,” and the song went straight on to top the list of the best songs of the year 2000, aside from topping other charts in the same year.

Even though the lyrics of the song sounded like words that were inspired by a human, the true inspiration came from a beautiful starry sight from the sky, and most importantly, “Yellow pages” that Chris saw while trying to find a missing keyword for the song in the studio, as the band members collectively tried to bring the song to life.

Coldplay Humble Beginning

After Coldplay recorded success with “X&Y,” they bought a bakery and converted it into a studio in 2006, becoming the first studio they owned.

The band took this step to refocus their energy towards their next album which was “Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends” released in 2008.

Their first studio was called “The Bakery.”

Did You Know that Coldplay’s Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland Appeared in a Film?

Some of y’all probably never knew that Chris Martin appeared in an episode of one of the popular TV series called, “Modern Family.” The show aired in November 2017, with Chris being on Season 9 of it.

Also, Jonny Buckland alongside Chris Martin appeared in the horror movie called, “Shaun of the Dead.” The film came out in 2004, and was classified as “Horror/Comedy.”

Rumors also have it that both Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland are good friends of Simon Pegg, one of the greatest movie stars we have in the movie industry.

Last but not least is; did you know that the former US president, Obama is a huge Coldplay fan?

The former president confessed to having his iPod loaded with their music, and then spending the whole day listening to them. We also found that he allowed the band to add his rendition of “Amazing Grace” into their album, “A Head Full of Dreams.”


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