Raw Power by The Stooges – Album Review

by Matt Callard
Oh, that title… does anything else really need saying?
The seventies Iggy Pop, unloved and unsuccessful, with his legendary appetite for self destruction, would never have dreamed that this incendiary record would, some 27 years after its release, get the triple-disc deluxe treatment.
“Gleamingly restored to pummelling glory”
But then again, Iggy is a survivor. Seemingly carved out of wood and currently going through his 14th Indian Summer. Car insurance adverts? Would we ever see the day?
So this Bowie-produced 3rd album is gleamingly restored to pummelling glory. Which, in effect, means sounding like it probably did blasting out of inappropriate speakers in strange smelling seventies bedsits.
Raw Power is one of rock’s timeless touchstones – and vital as ever.