Pete Firman – Q&A

pete firman comedian magician interview famous last words

Pete Firman is the new face of Brit comedy magic and he’s taking his new ‘Bag of Tricks’ show on the road. Before that, we needed to hear his Famous Last Words…

Last thing you did that made you feel good?
A trip back home to Middlesbrough to do some shows in the North East on my tour. I hadn’t been back for ages because of the pandemic and seeing family and friends again after so long was a real tonic.

Last thing you’d want to be doing right now?
Someone else’s questionnaire.

Last night on Earth… What’s your poison?
Lager, or maybe Arsenic.

Last supper… What are you ordering?
Chicken Parmo, chips and garlic sauce. It’s a Middlesbrough staple. A Parmo is a breaded chicken escalope, topped with bechamel sauce and then melted cheese on top of that. It’s INCREDIBLE. I don’t know how I’ve died, but too many Parmos would probably do the job anyway.

pete firman comedian magician interview

Last person you’d want to share a drink with?
Someone that was buying.

Last time you shed a tear and why?
Ronnie Barker’s speech at his BAFTA Tribute show. Just stumbled across it on YouTube. Search it out if you want a blub. It’s very moving.

Last refuge… where would you go?
Back to bed.

Last the course… tips on loot, love & life?
Save a bit, give a lot and keep it full.

Last but one… random question: Tell us about something that interests you that nobody else knows about. Like Gaelic football… or porcelain.
How the hell did you know about the Gaelic football and the porcelain?! Aside from that… I collect spores, molds and fungus. I don’t really, it’s just one of my favourite quotes from Ghostbusters. There you go, I really like the film Ghostbusters.

Your Famous Last Words?
Thank you, goodnight.

Pete Firman: Bag of Tricks is at Sheffield Leadmill on 27th October
images: Kara Gowlett


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