Don’t PANIC! The Tetley and Griselda Pollock Unite to Support Leeds’ Arts Scene with £50,000

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In partnership with Griselda Pollock (CentreCATH and A Feminist Space in Leeds), the Tetley is proud to announce £50,000 in bursaries to help emerging local artists to produce work through the current pandemic.

The Tetley believes that the artistic community is vital to Leeds and all regions. And in this financially unstable climate, it wants to support emerging artists.

Panic Tetley

“Emerging talented artists”

The many emerging talented artists from the city’s universities (and beyond) who choose to remain in the city need support. They need advice, and mentoring, and the PANIC! programme is aiming to assist with this.

PANIC! will distribute bursaries and grants. They’ll go to emergent artists who explore the conditions, experiences, pressures and possibilities of enforced digital sociability. Under the title ‘In our times…’, artists will be encouraged to develop new ways to respond to the challenging experiences of the pandemic. They’ll be financially supported too.

Griselda Pollock says: “I am thrilled to be partnering with the Tetley in order to foster a  new artists’ network that will be able to offer real support to the creativity of the emerging artists living in Leeds and the region. Artists contribute so much to the life and meaning of our society but are now facing dire economic futures. Inviting them to reflect on, and reflect back to us,  ‘Our times…..’ with all its challenges will generate new insights and understanding of what it is to be a thinking and caring society in this moment of psycho-social crisis and economic precarity.”

Panic Griselda Pollock


Brony Bond is a Director at The Tetley. She said: “We are delighted to be working with Griselda Pollock in establishing this network to support emerging artists in the Leeds region. Griselda’s support for artists is extremely timely and necessary, as artists struggle for survival in the immediate term. We are also starting to see the long-term impact this crisis is having in further increasing inequalities in society. We know that this will mean that many emerging artists will be questioning their choices as they face an uncertain future. I hope this project will come as a lifeline for those artists and enable them not only to thrive, but to creatively engage in the issues we collectively face and contribute to the new thinking, the new ways of working and the new art we will need to face the crisis and its aftermath.”

The Tetley and Griselda Pollock invite applications for six artists to coordinate PANIC’s network. They will be paid £150 per monthly meeting, and will have the opportunity to curate talks, blogs, podcasts and more. Alongside a part-time administrative assistant, the coordinating committee would advertise, assess and distribute six bursaries and other smaller grants to artists, by application, three times per year.

Click here to find out more and to apply to be one of the six PANIC artist leaders. The deadline for expressions of interest is 10am Friday 13 November 2020. By 20th November 2020 the final selection of artists will have been informed.



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