What is “Pink Washing” and What Should we be Doing to Avoid it?

What is “Pink Washing” and What Should we be Doing to Avoid it main logo

Pink washing is a term that was originally credited to Breast Cancer Action, an alteration on the term “whitewashing”, it was coined to call out companies and organisations that often market products with a pink ribbon in order the sell it to the LGBTQIA+ community whilst not actively supporting them.

Pride 365 is a certification that is awarded to organisations that are actively working to bring an end to pink washing and therefore improving inclusivity in both the workplace and society as a whole. The seal of approval is awarded on an annual basis which ensures improvements are consistently being met.

Transform Hospital group has recently been awarded the Pride 365 Certification, this is in part due to their consistent support for the LGBTQIA+ community. Along with supporting Sparkle, the UK transgender charity with sponsorship of its Sparkle weekend.

Transform CEO, Tony Veverka, said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have our commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion rubber-stamped with Pride 365 Certification. Our business is in delivering treatment and care to people from all backgrounds, from weight loss and medical aesthetics to cosmetic surgery – including our Identité offering which provides specialist care to transgender and non-binary patients. As such, it’s vital that we foster a culture of inclusivity and that we’re authentic in everything we do.”

A vital part of supporting the LGBTQIA+ community is not just showing up at a pride event and waving a flag around, it is making sure that members of the community feel that they have the support of the organisation and know that they can look to them for support.

Pride 365 has three main goals:

1. To increase the awareness of Pride.
2. To pursue and safeguard the right to assembly.
3. To show solidarity.

Even though June is Pride month, due to the Stonewall riots, it is vital to the teaching of tolerance that it promotes that Pride is supported all year round. By making sure to continually improve tolerance and committing to change, organisations such as Transform are helping to make a difference.


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