Need To Make Some Money? Sell These 4 Things To Boost Your Bank Balance

Need To Make Some Money Sell These 4 Things To Boost Your Bank Balance (1)

Your home is a treasure trove of items that can be turned into a lucrative source of income.

Whether you need to generate additional income or want to sell some old items and free up space in your home, identifying opportunities to earn you extra money and build those pounds in your bank account is never bad.

But what can you sell?

This post will examine a few things lurking in your home that you can sell to simplify your life, reclaim storage space, and boost your bank balance.

Old Tech

What do you do with your old tech when you upgrade? If you’re not trading it in or selling it, then you’re missing out on essentially free cash. From old smartphones or tablets to laptops and desktop PCs, storing and not selling them is a waste of space and cash. All you need to do is google ‘Sell my phone‘ or find a retailer who purchases old tech and see how much money you can generate. Alternatively, you can list items for sale, cut out the middleman, and sell directly to those in need of a new phone or laptop that can still be used, but you don’t need.

Clothes and Shoes

Are you a clothing or shoe hoarder? Or maybe you have accumulated a wardrobe that is simply bursting, and you need to sell things you no longer love or fit.

Sites like eBay, preloved, and Vinted are designed to help you easily list items for sale and then sell them to people looking for new clothing or shoes at bargain prices. On these platforms, you can create a listing with photos and a description of your item, set a price, and wait for potential buyers to make an offer or purchase it outright. While this option won’t make you rich quickly, people typically don’t pay a lot unless you have designer items in pristine condition; it can help you remove excess clothing and shoes from your home to free up space and give your wardrobe a makeover and make some cash in the process.

Need To Make Some Money Sell These 4 Things To Boost Your Bank Balance (2)

Old Gadgets or Appliances

Are you guilty of buying anything that is in fashion or the latest trend? So you have a smoothie maker you no longer use or a Soda Stream sitting on top of your kitchen unit gathering dust? You’re not alone. People buy the latest tools or gadgets only to stop using them quickly, never to touch them again. These could be anything from a bread maker to a smartwatch.

If you haven’t used something in the last six months, it will likely languish in its current home forever. Clean it up, check it works, and get it listed so someone else can enjoy it. You never know—you might be able to find your next gadget purchase with the proceeds!


Collectables are called collectables for a reason, and if you’ve spent time building up a collection, it’s likely to be valuable to someone else not just you. You can make a significant amount of money, especially if you have rare items in your collection.

Collections such as Funko Pop! Vinyl figures, trading cards, stamps, coins, franchise memorabilia, etc., are all valuable items for other people, and you can make a lot of money, especially if you have rare items in your collection. Remember, like anything, you likely won’t recoup your investment if you don’t have a specialised collection or you don’t have hard-to-find items or those with more value, but if you have fallen out of love with it or have no need or desire to keep collecting, then sell it and see what you can make.


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