Invasion (1965) – Film Review
Director: Alan Bridges
Cast: Edward Judd, Yoko Tani, Glynn Houston
Certificate: PG
By Roger Crow
I love a good vintage British sci-fi, and Invasion is just that. Shot in gorgeous black and white, it looks a lot older than 1965.
Four years earlier, Edward Judd starred in one of the very best British sci-fi thrillers, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, and gave it a much needed credibility. He does the same here with an intriguing tale.
It was based on a story by Robert Holmes, who crafted some of the best Doctor Who episodes. (The idea was later reworked for 1970 episode ‘Spearhead from Space’).
It centres on an alien spacecraft that crashes near a secluded hospital not far from London. The humanoid aliens resemble East Asians, and are taken to a rural hospital after a collision with a car where they cause a force field to be raised around the building.
“Lost gem”
Black and white has always helped create more atmosphere for any low budget sci-fi, and this works in its favour, despite the fact they could have shot in colour.
Judd is terrific, and good support comes from Yoko Tani and familiar character actors Anthony Sharp and Glynn Houston (of classic eighties sitcom Keep It in the Family).
It’s shown as part of a Network double bill with Maroc 7, though the most alarming aspect is an advert for 1974 offering Man About House (the movie), when George Roper utters a shocking racist comment. Best avoid that section entirely.
Invasion is a ‘lost’ gem that deserves to find a new audience, and a fine reminder of how great the likes of Edward Judd and Glynn Houston were. A shame we don’t see it on regular TV, which of course works in Network’s favour.
And as a side note, if you’ve not seen Judd’s sublime The Day the Earth Caught Fire, track down a copy ASAP. You’ll be glad you did.