How NewGlobe is Transforming Learning, One Data Point at a Time

How NewGlobe is Transforming Learning, One Data Point at a Time main

In the last couple of decades, governments all around the world have realised that quality education is essential to achieve their growth goals. However, improving an educational system is an extraordinarily complex process. It takes time and persistence to start seeing the expected results.

Tech and industry is at the forefront of this. Companies have started to provide VR and AI solutions to existing problems, such as RobotLAB’s VR Expeditions, which make virtual historical field trips possible.

Sadly many of these attempts tend to be hard to implement in underserved communities. However, by focusing on energy saving tools and data-based solutions, a new company may have found a solution to this.

What is Edtech

Educational technology (“edtech”) refers to the innovative use of technology for educational purposes. Companies all around the world are constantly coming up with new edtech solutions, which according to Business Leader has led to the creation of a $270 billion (£203.15 billion) market.

EdTech can help educators and students in multiple ways. A previous article on Luminate Education Group highlights the creation of new pathways for teaching and education to develop a more personalised education system aimed at encouraging diversity.

Entrepreneurs have even come up with solutions that take advantage of the latest technological trends, from VR to AI. Atom Learning, for example, is a Learning Management System that uses machine learning to provide learning content that adapts to the student’s current knowledge and skills.

How NewGlobe is Transforming Learning, One Data Point at a Time

NewGlobe Solutions for Underserved Communities

NewGlobe is an organisation that assists governments in providing edtech solutions for low-income communities. They use both proprietary hardware and software that can be easily adapted to different contexts, as well as micro and macro data analysis to make it easier to improve the educational system.

In regards to hardware, NewGlobe gives each teacher a dirt and water-resistant tablet, optimised for online work under limited connectivity and electrical power conditions. The device can work even with 2G connectivity (available for only 20 minutes a day) and has a battery that allows it to keep working for two continuous weeks.

On top of that, teacher resources are based on the most recent developments in pedagogical research, and more than a decade of techniques tested through randomised controlled trials.

The platform processes more than one billion data points a year. As a result, government officials receive valuable information regarding attendance, management, and learning outcomes, which they can use to make the necessary adjustments to policy.

Students, teachers, and administration staff also have access to local hardware and software technicians ready to answer their doubts and quickly fix any malfunctions that may get in the way of learning.

Sustainable and Effective Innovation

Future innovations in edtech are going to rely more on cutting edge technology. There are many efforts that revolve around tools like VR, and machine learning. However, the most effective solutions are those that can be easily implemented at a low cost, even when access to services like electricity, or the internet are lacking.

Probably the most important contribution from NewGlobe though is that it has implemented these data analysis technologies and energy-efficient hardware to effectively solve these types of problems in underserved communities. More importantly, it has the data to prove to governments that their approach works, which bodes well for the future of edtech accessibility.


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