Fiona Allen – Q&A


Fiona Allen, the star and co-writer of Emmy and Bafta award-winning TV series Smack The Pony is currently on her first UK tour.  The tour runs until 8th December and includes a show at Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield on 12th October and York Monkgate on 23rd November.

In the meantime, here are her Famous Last Words…

Last thing you did that made you feel good?
Gave my Cockapoo a haircut because the groomer was booked up and he was hot! He was so happy. His fur by the way is like wool. Think I’ve got enough to make a pair of mittens!

Last thing you’d want to be doing right now?
Mopping the floor cos it’s been raining and it’s covered in muddy paws and I’m married to someone who forgets to take his shoes off. Always.

Last night on Earth… What’s your poison?
Communion wine just in case there is a God. (OK a glass of Rioja)

Fiona-Allen-Q&ALast supper… What are you ordering?
I’m having Paella and Tortillas cooked by my Mum. And I’m not sharing.

Last person you’d want to share a drink with?
Have to be more than one person.. My family or if that fails, my dog!

Last time you shed a tear and why?
BA lost my suitcase. I landed in Edinburgh with my first-ever show in just the clothes I was stood up in. My case went to Los Angeles by accident. It wasn’t quite tears, but nearly.

Last refuge… where would you go?
My Mum’s house.

Last the course… tips on loot, love & life?
In order. Don’t make it your master, don’t take it for granted, don’t forget to laugh.

Last but one… random question: Tell us about something that interests you that nobody else knows about. Like Gaelic football… or porcelain.
Olive trees. I have 7 and one was grown from a twig. I talk to them, and give them a hug. I wrap them up in winter in case they’re too cold and they might be pining for their Andalucian soil.

Your Famous Last Words?
Was that it?

Tickets for Fiona Allen’s On The Run tour are on-sale now.  You can visit to buy yours


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