5 Reasons to Move to Singapore

5 Reasons to Move to Singapore main

Moving to a different country or city can be really intimidating, but it can kick-start an adventure you had never envisioned undertaking. Take yourself out of the life you know and begin again in one of the most amazing cities in the world. Whether it’s to stay for a few years or to settle down permanently, Singapore promises a wonderful lifestyle for you. The combination of the tropical climate with the cosmopolitan city, amazing cuisine, great transport links, and very good school system means it’s the perfect place for you to re-start.

Check out these reasons to take the plunge and have the most wonderful adventure but also the ideal location to start a career and/or family.

A Fresh Start

Many people dream of moving away from their home country to experience a completely new lifestyle but too often, ‘normal’ life gets in the way. Whether you are tied down by work, family, or friends, so many enter the world of work without having achieved their dream. If you find yourself at a lull in your life, why not up and move across the world, create a whole new life, and experience something you have always wanted to. Do it for you and only you. It would be a wonderful challenge and something genuinely exciting if the everyday is losing its shine.

Singapore is a beautiful city with wonderful food, culture and architecture, the ideal location to get excited about a new beginning. Singapore is also known for how clean and well-kept it is, something that will make the transition all the more enjoyable. The economic opportunities are also fantastic with the cosmopolitan city promising great job prospects if you want to move your career forward. Upon your arrival, you could get a delicious Durian birthday cake to celebrate the start of your new life.

A Beautiful Home

Your fresh start is going to call for a new home and Singapore real estate is some of the best you will find. With new high rises going up every day, base yourself in the heart of the city and up in the clouds with some of the best views available. The logistics of moving house can be a tricky process but make sure you know the most efficient and cost-effective way to go about it all by checking out home loan refinancing to ensure you are gaining the most from your move if you currently have a mortgage. Get advice from trustworthy services like PropertyGuru to coast through the process and start your new adventure in the best way. The PropertyGuru site has in-house mortgage experts to advise you on financing a property purchase, plus listings for properties for sale and rent in Singapore.

5 Reasons to Move to Singapore

You Are Sick Of Cold Weather

A simple but important one. Many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and living in cold climates certainly gives SAD the opportunity the manifest. Singapore doesn’t go through seasons and the temperature only range from about 25 to 33 degrees over the year. Spend your time outside rather than stuck indoors racking up an enormous heating bill. The monsoon seasons will certainly provide some excitement and Singapore will be beautiful in both sun and rain. The weather can contribute to a clearer and generally happier state of mind. Moving there could be an investment in your mental health.


Warm weather also means great opportunities for fashion, no hiding under huge coats or ruining an outfit with an unwanted but necessary scarf. Singapore is one of the top 10 fashion capitals of the world, why not immerse yourself somewhere with a vibrant style, experience new trends, brands, and Singapore-based companies that you haven’t seen before? The hot weather means brands often use lighter fabrics that allow very different styles and call for different designs to those in other climates.

A New Environment To Explore

Singapore is filled with amazing places to go and things to see. Whether you fancy sight-seeing in the city or a visit to the stunning beaches in the South, there’s an endless list of opportunities to get you excited about the different lifestyle. With such a mix of places and things to experience it will be amazing having all of them at arms’ reach. The tropical climate lends itself wonderfully to the rural areas with the sea providing relief from the heat, but also the stunning and modern city has so many different attractions, places to eat beautiful food or get drinks, the adventure will be endless. If you are interested in Architecture, visit the Henderson Waves Bridge and experience it’s unbelievable views.

Covid gave us a new perspective on life, one where we realised we needed to grab opportunities and get out of our comfort zones after the experience of being entirely restricted. Moving abroad or to a different climate is the perfect way to start a new adventure. Up-rooting yourself and re-locating will give you the zest for life you crave. Singapore is a lively, cosmopolitan city that will certainly stimulate a new and exciting lifestyle for you.


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