What To Expect When Switching To Contact Lenses For The First Time

To wear or not to wear contacts – is a question many glasses-wearing individuals will ask themselves. Whether you are new to wearing glasses or have worn them for countless years, wearing contacts is still a big decision. Putting them in can be off-putting to some, and the uncertainty around their comfort can deter others.
Despite this, a high number of individuals across the UK wear contact lenses, either daily or for social occasions. Today, reports reveal that more than 3.7 million people across the UK wear contact lenses. This high total of individuals wearing contact lenses is because of the improvement in comfort. Contact lenses today are more comfortable to wear than they were in previous years, thanks to improvements in the manufacturing technology used. Keep reading to learn more about the types of contact lenses and how comfortable they are.
The Type Of Contact Lenses
One of the main reasons contact lenses are more comfortable to wear today is the improvement in the materials used. As mentioned, manufacturing technology has played an influential part in these improvements. After deciding to move forward with wearing contact lenses, you have the choice of deciding the type of contact lenses you could wear. You could choose between:
• Soft Lenses – As the same suggests, soft lenses are considered the more comfortable choice due to the thin and flexible material used to create the plastics. Those that choose soft lenses choose daily disposable contact lenses. This means they wear them once and throw them away after. Daily disposable contacts are perfect for those that do not wish to wear them daily but only for an odd social occasion.
• Hard Lenses – Again, the name of hard lenses implies that the material used for this type of contact is more solid than that of soft lenses – which it is! Hard lenses are made from more durable plastic, allowing them to be worn repeatedly. Wearing hard lenses is perfect for those that plan to wear contacts daily. This is because they last longer and are the more affordable long-term option.
• Varifocals Lenses – After deciding between wearing hard or soft lenses, consider if you want your lenses to be varifocal contacts too. If you are used to wearing varifocal glasses, wearing non-varifocal contacts might not be best suited for you, as you may want to be able to see both short and long distances. Wearing varifocal lenses might take time to get used to, similar to how it was when wearing varifocal glasses for the first time.
Fortunately, you can order your prescription online with any type of contact lens you wish to wear. You can even find varifocal contact lenses online! This option can be useful when you realise you are starting to run low on your daily contacts or have forgotten about re-ordering your new hard lenses.
Wearing Contact Lenses
Wearing contact lenses for the first time is a unique experience, especially if you have been wearing glasses for many years. The sudden ability to see clearly without your glasses can take a moment to adjust. Of course, not only this but there are also a few other adjustments to make when wearing contact lenses. We have listed some of them below!
Practice Makes Perfect
Putting contacts in and taking them out can take time to get used to. Some are squeamish about touching their eyes, which is understandable! Putting contacts in is fairly straightforward; you balance the contact on the tip of your finger and tap it into your eye. Taking them out can be tricky, especially if they do not want to move! Fortunately, there are various techniques to take contacts out. It is about trial and error till you find the one you prefer. Although practice makes perfect, it can still take some regular wearers of contact lenses a few tries before they get their contacts in. Be patient, and don’t continue trying if you find that your eyes are getting sore. One thing to remember is to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes.
Keeping Them Clean
If you are choosing to wear daily disposables, this tip you can ignore as you will be disposing of your contact lenses after using them. However, those wearing monthly lenses need to ensure they keep their contacts clean. This is by storing them in a fresh disinfecting solution and cleaning your storage cases when your contacts are in. Once the month ends, replace your monthly lenses with a new pair and repeat the process.
Regular Eye Check-Ups
When wearing contact lenses, it is important that you not only replace your contact frequently but also book regular check-ups at your opticians. These check-ups are to see your eye health and if you have had any issues with wearing your contact lenses. Some of the tests performed are similar to a routine eye check-up. When checking your eyes in a contact lenses check-up, the optometrist might use fluorescein, a dark orange dye, to see if your eyes have been damaged from wearing contact lenses. These drops might make your eye water, but you should not experience any discomfort.
Wearing Them For Long Periods
Depending on the type of contact lenses you have will influence how long you can wear them. Ideally, you should not wear contacts for more than 10-12 hours. Wearing contact lenses for prolonged periods can cause you to experience discomfort and make you more prone to developing an eye infection. You will know when to take your contact lenses out, as you can begin to feel the irritation of wearing them for an extended period. It could be worth investing in eye drops to help provide extra moisture to your eyes to help with dryness but check with your optometrist first about what they would recommend.
In Summary
It can take time to become comfortable with wearing contact lenses. The first few times wearing them, you might be more conscious about the feeling of them on your eyes. Gradually, you will become used to the feeling, so much so you do not feel them in your eyes – until you reach the 10-hour mark! Keep these tips in mind when making the switch to contact lenses.