How to Tailor Your Resume for British Companies

Are you looking to land a job in a British company and don’t know how to tailor your resume? Many Americans are used to having a resume, and something more detailed (a CV) to the side. A resume simply brushes over your career and personality. A CV tales the whole tale. But how does the UK do it? Is it the same thing? Mostly, yes, except they don’t have two separate documents. This article will tell you what to note when writing a CV for a British company.
The length and extras
In the United States, a resume shouldn’t cover more than two pages unless you are applying for a specialist role (especially in academia). The CV can also be longer if you are applying for a technical role in academia. In the UK, things are a bit open. You can have more than two pages of a resume. That’s because you are allowed to add information about your hobbies and any other piece of information that will shed more light about yourself and your career.
However, ensure the third page isn’t a skimpy two lines. Every page should be full with relevant information. Only add information that needs to be in the resume section of things. That is because UK companies ask for a cover letter. The letter is to demonstrate why you are the right candidate for the job and how your skills and experience align with the job description. That is why you don’t need to add anything unnecessary to your resume.
What about the language?
You guessed it; you have to use British English to tailor your resume. This is easy since you only need to change your spell check settings. Ensure that you also stick to the correct British phrases. If you are unsure of what phrases the British use, try finding a professional from a professional resume writing service; preferably a UK writer to write the CV for you. Some of the services are great at ensuring you nail the CV for any job anywhere.
Just to mention a few things that might be different in a UK resume; instead of school, you say college or university in the UK. In the UK, you say “work experience” and not “unpaid internship. Remember to spell-check everything before you email your resume to the hiring manager.
The UK structure
There are similarities perhaps the world over for this section, but here’s what a UK CV structure and format section should look like;
● Personal Information: Include your name, home address, email address, and phone number here. These are always the first details that should appear on your CV. Don’t include details about your marital status or age. You shouldn’t include a picture of yourself unless the employer specifically asks for it.
● Personal Profile: a summary (about a paragraph) of your skills, career goals, and aspirations is needed here. Talk about what you will offer the company that others won’t.
● Education: Use a reverse chronological order to list your educational achievements. In other words, start with your most recent educational accomplishment. Remember to only include what applies directly to the job.
● Employment history: Here, include all relevant work experience and talk about the key responsibilities and achievements you attained in each position. So this in a paragraph or bullet-list them so they are easy to read. Ensure you include the employer’s name, where the job was, the title of each job, and when you were employed there.
● Related Interests: These are often optional unless they have a bearing on the job you are applying for. You can include your hobbies and other interests outside of work. This can help your employer determine your personality and give you some talking points when you get to the interview room. Should you choose to include this section in your CV, ensure the interests are related to the job you are applying for.
Even though this is what a UK CV needs to look like, you need to be aware of other details that might help you land the job you are looking for. Some experts advise researching the British traditions and familiarizing yourself with their culture. Here are a few points that might help you get the job.
Do proper research
Any company (including British ones) is looking for something in a candidate based on the job they are advertising. You can find out what the company is looking for by visiting their social media pages, blog posts written for or about the company, employer reviews, and more. Check for their values, goals, company culture, tone and language, current projects, and new product releases. This information will help you tailor your CV and start conversations within the interview room.
Research the job description
The job description often holds the key to the job. You are halfway there if you can decipher what the employer is looking for. All you need to do is follow what you have found out and tailor your CV accordingly. Look for keywords and phrases that look important. Check what the duties, skills, and work experience say about the job. Check whether you have the relevant experience to match what they are asking for and include them in your CV.
Include the relevant skills first
Once you figure out what the job description wants, you can then prioritize your skills to the requirements. Start with the most important skills and gradually move to secondary skills. Ensure all listed skills match the job description. You can have a “key skills” section under your personal statement.
Write down your skills and match them with the job requirements
What if I can’t find the relevant experience to include in my CV? Write all your skills down and try to match them with the job responsibilities. Figure out which skills match which requirements and go from there.
When applying for a job in a British company, you need to tailor your CV appropriately. It doesn’t hurt to know a few things about the British and how their companies work. However, the most important thing is to find out what the CV needs to look like.