A Q&A with Cam Cole
Former London busker, going global…
What’s the title of your latest release, and what does it mean to you?
My album Crooked Hill – the title is a translation of my first name, which is Scottish. And yeah this record means a lot, I’m expressing a lot about myself on it.
What was the hardest part about putting this release together, and why?
Probably the time in the studio. I did the album in five days I think. Some of the tunes were technically demanding as a one-man band and sometimes it’s hard to try and get that one magic take, so I think next time we will take more time for sure
Who produced the release – what did they bring to the songs and the sound?
Markus Stretz produced the album with me, he and I work well together as we both serve the song. He suggests ideas if a song doesn’t feel right and needs that extra bit of work and he mixes my records so he also shapes the sounds. He knows me so well and understands what I want so well now that usually, the first mix isn’t far off. He is especially good with guitar sounds, I usually don’t have to ask for changes with the guitar sound on the first mix.
What do you want the listener to take away from listening to your music?
Liberation, feeling free like you’ve just been on the best motorcycle ride ever.
How does a track normally come together? Can you tell us something about the process?
I write a song, show it to Markus, he might be like, it needs some more work, or he’ll be like, that’s perfect don’t change a thing. If it needs work we both suggest and try sh*t out until it sits right then we book a recording studio and I play it as perfect as possible… The thing that’s different about the way I record is I try to always do the songs in one take, no edits. I try to get a magic take, whatever that is, we just know when we hear it. Then Markus mixes it and we talk about it endlessly until we are 100% happy with it and say: “Yeah it’s done, have a listen guys!”
What band/artists have influenced you the most since you started this project, and why?
I’ve gotten more into my stoner rock sounds and Texas style heavy rock, but also still listening to lots of stuff that I’ve listened to when I was a kid, like lots of nu metal stuff. But as well I listen to old school blues and rock n roll, Led Zeppelin, Sabbath, Soulfly, Ektomorf, Chuck Berry, Alabama Thunderpussy, The Sword…
What countries would you like to tour? Are there any standout venues you’d like to play in?
I wanna get to the USA so bad!! It’s been years of my fan base growing out there and I ain’t played a single fuc*in show! This covid situation had been holding me back and still I gotta wait some more! I wanna play the rock n metal festival circuit out there man, and the blues clubs in the Deep South. It will happen!
If you could pick one track for our readers to listen to in order to get a taste of your music, what would you pick, and why?
‘Message in the Mountains’, I really got a magic take on that one I feel.
What ambitions do you have for the project/your career?
To be one of the heaviest legendary one man bands in all existence.
Finally, as you leave the stage, what are your parting words?
Right that’s it now, I’ve done my job, you lot all need to f*** off. 😉
For more info visit: facebook.com/mrcamcole