Few Tips Before Playing Solitaire Game for the First Time

Few Tips Before Playing Solitaire Game for the First Time main

Nothing beats feeling challenged. It’s always fun learning something new, from cooking, speaking French, or playing a computer game. With the help of how-to websites and video tutorials, it’s not very difficult to pick up a new skill.

The best thing about all the resources you will find on the internet is that you don’t have to pay for most of them! Just imagine that. They’re all at the tip of your fingers. For example, if you have always wanted to learn how to play solitaire, you simply key that into your search engine. And what do you get? You would land on a page like this.

How to Excel at Solitaire

Solitaire is a game you can play anytime and anywhere. All you need is a deck of cards or a mobile device. This card game is straightforward to learn, but it might take many hours of play before you master it.

Statistics say that 80% of solitaire games are winnable. If you find yourself only winning about 30% of the time, hike up your chances with these tips.

Know the Rules

As with any other game, you’re just playing blindly if you don’t know the rules. Where’s the fun in that? Familiarize yourself with the concepts and objectives of solitaire before you start. It’ll take you less than 10 minutes and will help you make smarter game choices from the very first round you play.

Take note that this popular game has a few variations, but here, the focus is on the classic version or Klondike solitaire. If you are looking for a quick, concise roundup of rules on how to play solitaire, free gameplay, and tips, there are many websites at your disposal.

Always Move Your Stock Card First

Uncovering a stock card will give you more options because now, you have an additional card to play around with. That’s why it should always be your first move.

Work on the Larger Stacks First

Remember to always play from right to left. You’ll want to uncover the cards from the larger stacks as soon as you can. The reason is obvious. If you release an ace, you can start on your foundation stack. And the earlier in the game you do that, the better.

Few Tips Before Playing Solitaire Game for the First Time

Use Your Empty Spots Wisely

It’s very tempting to empty a spot the moment you see that it’s possible. There’s no need to rush it. Only do that when you have a king ready to fill it up. You’re better off holding more playable spots.

Fill Your Foundations With Aces and Twos

When you see these two low cards, move them into their piles. Once you do this, the game will take on a faster pace. Anyway, they don’t have any other purpose in the tableaux.

Plan Your Moves by Focusing on Colours

When moving your cards around from pile to pile, pay attention to colours. Since the tableaux piles need to be in a particular order, look out for cards that can follow suit. By thinking a few steps ahead, you’re making the smartest choice at each turn.

There’s No Need To Rush

Your foundation piles will always be there. There’s no need to rush them. Doing so might mean losing spots in the tableaux. Here’s a tip: fill in the foundations when you have all four suits uncovered for a number.

The Benefits of Solitaire

This simple game gives you a moment of calm, and that’s needed in this hectic era. You’re learning how to bring order to chaos – and that’s always an excellent skill. Plus, your ability to focus will go through the roof!


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