Triple Bunk Beds: Do you really need a triple bunk bed? Let’s take a look to help you decide!


It’s fair to say that the vast majority of children with older or younger siblings want at least a bunk bed in their bedroom. There’s only one thing that could be better than a regular, run of the mill bunk bed, and that’s a triple bunk bed! Go on, ask your kids whether they’d like a normal bed, a bunk bed, or a triple bunk bed. While we aren’t the gambling type, it’s with a high level of confidence that we can assume which one they will choose, and it isn’t the one which can only handle one mattress or one child!

Is a triple bunk bed right for your kids?

Safety is a huge concern when it comes to triple bunk beds, so if you are unsure whether or not your children are old enough for a triple bunk bed, we can assure you that if your little one is able to sleep in a normal bed without falling out, which is generally around the ages of 3 to 4 years old, then there is absolutely no reason why they wouldn’t be ready for a triple bunk bed. There’s also no reason to deny them this absolutely amazing idea, and you’ll find yourself creeping along the corridor to listen in on their hushed tones, delivering terrifying ghost stories or telling jokes in their new-found den, we mean bunk bed.

The benefits of triple bunk beds

Not just an incredible amount of fun for your little cherished children, a triple bunk bed is incredibly functional for parents who find their kids’ rooms overflowing with toys and space-filling items. Take out the numerous beds and replace them with a triple bunk bed, making space for all sorts of activities for your kids and providing more space for storage in the process. But don’t tell them that! Remember, it’s all about the fun when you’re letting the kids know you’re buying them a triple bunk bed.

Triple bunk beds aren’t only for the those with multiple children; make a purchase and just watch your kid’s friends flock round to your house for sleepovers and activities much beyond the capabilities of a regular, standard single bed. You’ll be the envy of all the other parents with this amazing addition to your child’s life and sleeping arrangements.

Explore all the options available

Slanted ladders provide easy access for your kids, and you may be surprised at just how sturdy and safe a triple bunk bed is. You might have visions of some rickety, hastily put together, 12-year-old’s DIY project when you picture a three-tiered bed solution, but this is far from the case. Modern developments in the triple bunk bed game put safety at the forefront, and not only are triple bunk beds on the market made to the highest standard of safety requirements, but they also come in various different styles and themes to provide super safe, super fun additions to any bedroom environment.

So there you have it. If you’re after a functional space-saving addition to the kids’ bedroom, an exciting and invigorating new element of fun for your kids and their friends, and a safe, risk-free bed situation for your numerous offspring, triple bunk beds will be perfect for you and your needs.

And trust us, your kids will thank you for it.


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