How to Keep Yourself Occupied on a Long Journey

How to Keep Yourself Occupied on a Long Journey main

Do you have a long journey coming up? Whether you are travelling by car, train or plane, it can be tricky to keep yourself occupied throughout your travel. Many people like to read when travelling while others play games with their travelling companions.

Here, we are going to give you some tips on how you can keep yourself occupied on a long journey. We’ll talk about everything from smoking alternatives to playing video games on your mobile phone. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more about these exciting ideas to keep you busy.


If you like to read, then you will probably already know how this activity can make a long journey seem much shorter. For those who don’t often indulge in reading, you will find that it can actually be quite entertaining. When you are travelling, you can read anything whether that is the latest novel by a bestselling author, a book on local history or even a guide to the location that you are travelling to.

If you don’t fancy bringing a lot of books with you on your trip, then you could invest in a Kindle. This way, you can have all of your books in one place and make your long journey much more interesting.

How to Keep Yourself Occupied on a Long Journey car

Write A Blog

Have you ever thought about writing a blog? Most of the sites that you’ll find online are blogs that people have started in order to give themselves the freedom to write about whatever they want. You’ll find family blogs that focus on life with kids as well as tech blogs and business blogs.

If you are looking for something to keep you occupied while you are travelling, you should think about starting your own blog. Think about what you would like to write about and get started on your laptop or your mobile device. Who knows – you could even start making some money once your blog kicks off!


For anyone who enjoys smoking, travelling can be tricky, especially when certain methods of transport don’t allow for smoking. The good news is that there are alternatives to smoking that can still give you your nicotine fix without the actual act of smoking. This alternative is vaping and while you cannot vape freely everywhere, it can be a great way of keeping yourself occupied throughout various aspects of your trip.

Look at this variation of products if you are thinking about trying vaping. You will love this handy gadget and it will fill up some of your travel time.

Video Games

Our next idea for those who are going to be setting off on a long journey is to try some video games. There are many portable games consoles that you can use to play some of your favourite games including the Nintendo Switch which works both in handheld mode and on a monitor.

If you don’t already play video games, then you might be surprised to know that there are many different types of games and you are sure to find something to suit you. For those who cannot afford an expensive games console, mobile gaming is also becoming quite popular. All you need to do is download your favourite game on your mobile phone and play throughout your trip. Make sure to try this out next time you are going on a long journey.

How to Keep Yourself Occupied on a Long Journey photo

Take Photographs

Finally, you might want to take the opportunity to capture some of the locations that you travel through when you are travelling. If you are going on a long road trip, for example, you might want to take photographs of the places that you pass by. If possible, you can even take a break and get out and explore. Taking photographs is a great way to remember a trip and what better time to start than when you are travelling?

Once you start taking photographs you won’t want to stop. You can keep them to yourself or share them with your friends and family online. This is sure to occupy you while you are travelling so make sure to give it a try.


If you have a big trip coming up, then you might want to think about trying out some of the ideas that we have discussed in this article. Think about how you could continue smoking using alternatives or take some photographs of your trip while you’re on your way.

If you keep yourself occupied, you’ll find that your travel experience is over much more quickly, and you should feel as though you have got to your destination in a shorter period of time. Make sure to try out these ideas and you’ll have a great trip, even if you are travelling alone.


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