Tips for Navigating a Post-Pandemic Career Change

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The global pandemic has forced people around the world to rethink their chosen career paths. Mass layoffs and lockdowns have impacted some industries to the point where it may take years to recover.

The key to getting through these unprecedented times is to view this pivot point as an opportunity. Here are some practical tips for navigating a post-pandemic career change.

Dig Deep and Reflect

Take this opportunity to reflect upon your career thus far. Before 2020, millions of people went to a job every day without joy, enduring instead for a steady pay cheque and a sense of job security – both of which have since proven to be myths.

Before you look at where you’re going, consider where you’ve been. Reflect upon what aspects of your career you enjoyed and what you didn’t. Think about your passions and how your goals have evolved over the course of your career. Use your reflections as a compass for the path forward.

Research the Options

The right career can be found at the intersection of what’s possible, what you’re passionate about, and what’s profitable. It’s not realistic to think that you’ll find your dream career the moment you look for a change. However, you can clarify career paths that interest you to determine what might be feasible for your lifestyle.

If you find a new career that may take time to develop, consider researching temporary job options to bridge the gap. If 2020 has taught the world anything, it’s that nothing is as permanent as it seems.

Consider Educational Needs

One of the primary challenges of starting a new career is that the base level requirements may not be in alignment with your background or education. If that’s the case, you may require additional education to get into your desired field.

Determine what education you’ll require to make the transition to a new career. Fortunately, many governments and organizations are offering grants and support opportunities to help people further their education and find a new career. Take some time to explore your options.

Tips for Navigating a Post-Pandemic Career Change computer

Refresh Your CV

If you’ve been in the same line of work for a while, your CV could be dramatically outdated. Set aside some time to craft a new CV that reflects your experience and modern best practices. Consider using a service such as CV Pilots to guide you and help navigate the CV creation process.

Some common tips to keep in mind when updating a CV include:

  • Eliminate the objectives portion
  • Include only the previous decade of work
  • Use keywords to appeal to AI-driven recruitment tools
  • Remove personal information (hobbies, marital status, etc.)
  • Include a professional summary

Working with a professional CV service will ensure that your job applications attract potential employers and highlight your best qualities.

Talk to Your Network

When you’ve gained clarity about the path ahead, reach out to your network, and forge some quality connections. Now is the time to reconnect with old colleagues and use social media to your advantage.

Networking isn’t just about finding a new job; it can help you learn more about your desired career path. Read content that’s relevant to the field you’re interested in and connect with influencers who can answer questions and offer valuable insights. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask to shadow someone to get more information about their work.

Consider a Career Coach

When making a big life change, it’s well worth enlisting the services of a qualified career coach. These professionals can help you map out the process and create an action plan to achieve your goals. Their services range from CV creation to interview practice and job placement.

Change is scary. Humans are creatures of routine and habit. However, there’s no better time than the present to pivot and try something new in your career, and these simple tips can help.


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