When To See A Fertility Specialist & What To Expect From Them


Many worry about suffering from infertility for a large part of their lives. For many their worries subside when they have children without any complications, but for many others it is not as easy as this. Infertility and the inability for people to have children can be a real issue in some people’s lives and can be devastating, and it’s more common than people seem to think. 

Try first

The most sensible option is to continue trying to conceive first. Many may worry about infertility after only trying once. This is generally not the case. It is recommended that you can try up to 12 months for under 35s (6 months for over 35s) for a child before having to think about infertility and possible assessment of this. Many will find that they don’t conceive on their first time trying but that it eventually does happen, others will struggle and have no luck within the first 12 months. 

Know when to consult a doctor or specialist

It is important to look into getting an early enough evaluation if you have been trying to conceive for more than 12 months or are displaying any of the classic signs and symptoms of infertility. By getting an early assessment and treatment you will find that you can utilise the most amounts of treatments available and have time to have the best chance of a pregnancy. 

Things to know before going to a fertility specialist

They are going to ask questions, some of which may be slightly inflammatory or private. They are there to help, by withholding information you are only causing harm to yourself. The specialists are likely to ask the women if she is ovulating, consult both parties over tests or physical examinations and take a semen sample. The specialists will carry out a number of assessments ranging across the board to try and identify exactly the issue and how best to continue with treatment. 

What will you find out?

The fertility expert will be able to identify the issue at hand and what party may be causing the issues. The ‘blame’ of infertility is often unfairly placed at the feet of the women in the couple, but it is statistically just as likely to be the male counterpart who is suffering from infertility. Following the diagnosis, the specialist will run through exactly what type of treatment options you can look at using, what help you can seek and any potential side effects which may fall out from the treatment. The fertility medication that is used in many of the treatments do carry risks such as pregnancy complications and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. It’s important to know what you are getting into when opting for infertility treatment. 

Treatments and help

The actual treatment that you can expect to go under is very varied and ranges from IVF to surgery, multivitamins to clomid monitoring UK. The specialist will run through which treatment they advise is the best for your given situation. Whilst there can of course be no promises made, it is important to note that many people who have infertility treatment go on to have many happy and healthy children. It’s important to remember that a lot of infertility treatments are costly and can have a huge impact on other things within your life – bare this in mind. 

Outlook moving forward

Whilst some will be devastated at the initial news of infertility and of course all of the treatment for infertility will not always work, the general outlook is positive. Many couples often go through the treatment and go on to have successful conceptions, pregnancies and children. However, many fail and this can be tough. The emotional and psychological impact that infertility can have on a couple can be large and the suffering sadness it may evoke in some may call for help with mental health experts or emotional support groups. But people are there to help you every step of the way, just make sure that you use them! 


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